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I can't believe people are actually reading my book! I'm so excited and happy! \(><)/

Your POV

The moment Daisy's lips touched Ace's, he quickly backed away and I burned with so much rage. My eyes were on fire. My fists were clenched so hard that my knuckles turned white. When I was about to punch Daisy, a teacher walked by, so I managed to hold myself back. I didn't want to risk anything, so I decided not to punch Daisy instead. She should consider herself lucky. I can punch really hard when I get angry. I swallowed up my anger.

"Come on Ace, the others are probably wondering where we are. Let's go," I said coldly. He nodded and followed behind me.

"Wait! Ace! You never gave me an answer!" Daisy called to Ace, reaching her hand out. The fire started to burn in me again.


"What?" Daisy's chocolate brown eyes looked disappointedly at Ace.

"He said no, now get lost!" I shouted in a medium toned voice through clenched teeth.

"Hmph! You better watch your loud mouth newbie! You don't talk to beauty like that!" Daisy glared at me.

"Beauty, eh? You look just like a dead hippo!" I glared back at her.

"We should really get going, the others are probably wondering where we are, just like what you said," Ace said, trying to break up the fight.

I crossed my arms, "fine."

I walked towards the cafeteria, or where I thought was where the cafeteria was.

"Uh, you're walking the wrong way, (y/n)." Ace pointed a to a different hallway. Daisy and the girls behind her snickered.

"It's not my fault I'm new and this whole school is so confusing," I pouted.

I walked away with Ace, not noticing the cold glares the girls were giving me behind my back. We finally reached the cafeteria.

"Where have you guys been?" Zoro said in a bored tone.

"On a date, perhaps?" Nami grinned widely.

"N-no!" I stuttered with a shade of pink on my face. "It's just we bumped into a really annoying girl. She was trying to slow us down." I turned my head away so they wouldn't see my pink cheeks, but I think they've already seen it. I didn't notice, but Ace was a little pink on his cheeks, too.

I walked away to get lunch from the lunch line. When I came back, there was a big food fight. It was everyone against Luffy. I sighed and went to sit at the side with less commotion. I sat down with Ace and Robin, who weren't involved in the fighting.

I sighed, "Is the table always like this?"

Robin let out a tiny laugh, "yep, everyday. I don't want to get involved, so I let it be when Luffy takes my food away."

"How about you, Ace? How come you aren't involved? Don't you get mad when he takes your food?" I looked at him curiously.

"Well, sometimes I am involved, but somedays, I finish my food before Luffy can take it, like today," he pats his stomach with a satisfied grin on his face.

This is one weird group of friends. I sighed. I'm hungry today, so I picked up my chicken on my plate. Before I could bite it, the chicken disappeared. Oh god. Luffy, I'm gonna get you. I looked at the direction Luffy was in, but he didn't have my chicken. He was still too busy fighting the others. I looked back at Robin and Ace. Robin was reading peacefully and Ace...HE HAD MY CHICKEN!

New World High school (Portgas D Ace x reader) AUWhere stories live. Discover now