Chapter 6

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The sound of the waves crashing onto the rocks below the cliff filled my eardrums. The smell of salt water filled my nose as I watched the water. Slightly turning my head towards the tribe's village. I saw the happy faces of girls my age. Mothers finishing up their child's ceremony gowns for tonight. Fathers chatting with their sons, possibly telling them the secrets of how to win the heart of a young she-wolf. Like it would take much. She-wolves are normally in heat during the ceremony, that's why it was called the mating ceremony.

Taking a deep breath, I turning back to the ocean. It must be great to feel belonged. Shaking my head, don't say that River. You belong with mom and dad. Looking back at the village I wounded what my real mom would have been like. What advice she would give me. What my real dad would say about how to choose a good guy who would be strong, and caring. What would my life would be like if my real parents didn't die.

"River?" Aunt Edea called from behind. Turning around, I watched her wobble up the little hill as she held her huge stomach and waving her other hand. "Don't worry I'll get there," she said.

Rolling my eyes, I smiled shaking my head. "I'm coming," I laughed.

"Can I join you?" she asked.

"Do I have a choice?"

"No," she smirked. "Let's sit, my ankles are killing me," she said making her way down. I quickly gave her a hand as she did a big sigh of relief once she successfully sat on the ground. "So much better."

I couldn't help but stare at her huge belly. For some reason it made me feel uneasy. Would I get as big as she? I can still remember how scary mom was when she was pregnant with the twins. She would eat everything in the house and if she didn't have ice cream when she wanted it, she acted like Godzilla to get it. She always cried and one time she was brushing my hair, I did nothing, and she yelled at me. I have no idea what I did then and she doesn't remember why she yelled at me.

"Alright, what happened?" Aunt Edea asked.

When I made eye contact I quickly looked away, "Nothing."

"That's didn't look like nothing. Come on. Tell me."

"I don't want to do the ceremony. I just feel like there is so much more I have to do," I said trying not to spill too much of the beans.

"It's Melantha isn't it?" she got me. "River, we are looking for her. But she's not your problem. Let us take care of her." I didn't reply. "River, it's not just about Melantha is it?"

"No... I..."

"You don't feel like you belong." I nod my head. "Well you are young. It can be very confusing, in this time of your life. This is a time were you get to figure out who you are." I lowered my head, she was right. I have been thinking a lot. I glanced up to peek at the village from afar. I'm different than them. "River, there is nothing wrong for being different," she said as if she read my mind. "It's better to be different I mean look at me," she smiled. "At the church when I was growing, I was called mean names and was told I would be forever alone and I believed that but look at me now. I have my sister, my husband, my children, and you. I finally have some where I belong. And to think I almost looked away from it all."

It was true I guess. Aunt Edea didn't get well with other when she came here to save mom. It was so hard for her to accept the life my mom choose for herself but I guess Aunt Edea realized why my mom did. After Aunt Edea fought and killed Crevan and was almost killed by Melantha by saving me. She changed. Quickly Aunt Edea and Uncle Vic married and a few years later had their son. Now she was having her second child that was going to be a girl.

"I guess what I'm saying is... what the fuck was I trying to say again?"

I could help but laugh, "Its okay Aunt Edea. I know what you were saying." I smiled.

"Really?" she coughs, "Good because I had no idea where I was going with that," she said laughing. Aunt Edea was right. I'm still young and at the age of learning who am. That I don't need to belong to the tribe because I already have a family that loves me. And this was the family I wanted to protect.

"Alright since you know, you have to help me up." She said extending her hands out in front of her.

"But you just sat down."

"Yes, but I'm hungry and since your mother trashed the dining room you are going to lead me to the kitchen."

"Okay," I laughed getting up to my feet to take her hands, pulling her up to her feet.

On her feet, "Okay! Let's go!" she yell raising a fist in the air like she was going into battle. She wobbled a head of me as my smile turned into a frown. It's going to be a war in there, know that I think about it. With mom and Aunt Ray fighting I was starting to hesitate going in the building and following Aunt Edea into the kitchen. Maybe it's just me thinking too much. It'll be fine, right. Who am I kidding? They'll fight until the moon rises.

Happy birthday to me.

So I was going to up date this soon but I was having a hard time signing in and than the chapter I wrote was deleted so I had to rewrite this chapter. Chapters will take longer to update because I'm also working on Skin and Her Deal with God (sequel to Her Deal with the Devil).

So thank you for read and waiting as long as you did. Remember I always leave a message on my board about what's going on and when something will be updated.

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