"So, hot-head, did you find a treasure?" Nico asked, taking his t-shirt off, not liking how the wet texture made him uncomfortable. Leo looked at Nico for couple seconds then shook his head.

"I honestly don't even know what they mean by treasure. My treasure is already there. How is Calypso by the way?" he asked, a spark of love appearing in his eyes as he said his fiancee's name. Nico smiled and told him that he looked after his family while his friend was gone and that his lover was alright. They kept talking until they realized the sun setting.

"Hey,Leo," he said.

"What's it,Neeks?" Leo answered, sensing the worry in his best friend's voice. He looked at Nico, wondering what was inside his friend's brain. What was he thinking? Was he worried about Leo's adventures? Or his next periods of life? It was hard to think what Nico was thinking, because of his curse that he changed a bit...

When they were 14, they were adventures, normal for that age. One day, as they were wandering around the forest, they saw a house, which looked abandoned. They entered, not asking or knocking for permission. What could he say, they were a little much rude for their age, too. They entered the house, ate most of the things they found and, well, they might have broken few things there and there. Okay, he had to admit, it wasn't a clever idea neither a good move. But, they were young and full of energy that kept coming to their body, giving strange ideas to them. They were teens. And, when the owner of the house came, they were cursed, since the owner was a witch. Like, a real witch that was prisoned in that forest by Nico's father. So she cursed them, making life harder for them. Nico was cursed with darkness. Wherever he went, darkness would follow him. For Leo, it was his love life. Witch cursed him with his love life, saying he will never find happiness. But he guessed it wasn't real- cause he had Calypso now... But even if he didn't want to admit, he could feel the shadows follow Nico.

He watched his friends face as he looked at the shadows that were caused of the sunset. Nico shook his head to the right and left. "Nothing..It's just nothing. It's getting late, we should go back to home. Or else I'm sure that Calypso will kill me for holding you too long from her." he said looking at his fingers that kept moving out of control.

They stood up and started to head back to the town, to a house that was a little far away from Di Angelos' house. It had a garden and its round was covered with stone walls, to keep wolves away. Even from few steps away, you could feel the happy and warm feelings appear inside your tummy. They entered in, only to meet with a crew of the pirates in the garden. Nico took a step back automatically and looked at Leo with curious eyes.

"What are they doing here?" he whispered, turning his back to the adventurous men. Leo smiled, answering as if it was so obvious to figure out.

"I asked them to come here. You know, food tastes better if / you eat together indeed!"

Nico made a sour face, rolling his eyes. "I'm so done with you and your haikus." Leo laughed at Nico's annoyed mood, enjoying the exciting feeling of still being able to make his friend annoyed just like he had done in past. It showed that they were still as close as a bee and a flower. But in a friendly way, even though Nico did once stab Leo with a needle of grandfather Sammy. He yelled at them all they for doing stupid jokes at each other, and then scolded his own grandsons, also to Frank for joining such things. Frank had been their friend since 5 years old Hazel, Nico's now 18 years old sister like friend, brought a guy next to her. Leo could still remember how embarrassed his brother Frank was, being protected by a girl than his bullies. He knew that Frank didn't like him, seeing him as a rival for her future wife. But as Leo found his own true love, Frank saw that there was nothing more to worry and turned back being the calm and nice guys he was.

"Don't worry, they are only human too... Ah, sorry, actually h-" Leo couldn't finish his sentences, that was about to reveal what the pirates were, because of a man's hand that covered his mouth.

"Leo, I think you have said enough of our secrets to your dear friend..ah, may I have the honor of learning your name?" said the blonde man. Nico recognized him. The man I saw in the harbor, he thought to himself.

"I'm Nico Di-"

"Angelo-" said Leo pushing the hand away. The man kept staring into the black orbs, trying to be sure to record every inch of the boy to his memories.

"I am Will Solace, the Captain of the Pirates. Such a shame you didn't introduce us earlier, Leo!" Will laughed, walking away. As the rest of the hour, as they were eating the food that Esperanza cooked so well, Nico could swear Will was looking at him non-stopping. He realized that his idea was true when Esperanza scolded the guy for staring at people instead of eating. Nico just wanted the night to end already and everything to turn normal.

He took another sip of his soup as he still felt the Captain Will Solace still and still staring at him as if he was trying to look trough his soul, waiting for Nico to show his deepest secrets to him. Getting bothered by the stares, he stood up, asking for permission and walking as calm as he could to the bathroom.

After few seconds, Captain Will laughed, even though Nico was the only one didn't hear since he wasn't there. Will laughed, putting his hands on his hair, taking a deep breath.

"Pirates!" he yelled out of blue, making his crew jump with fear, including Leo whose mouth was full of Pollo al Ajillo.

"Aye, Captain!" they all said, standing up fast. Will licked his lips, making Esperanza and Calypso more and more confused and scared.

"We will be leaving tomorrow," he locked his eyes to the door that Nico went towards to get inside the house, " I, your Captain, the Captain that scares the whole 9 universes, has found his treasure."

He turned his head to Leo. " What was his name, again? Your... What do you people say..." he said. Leo's eyes grew big, with disgust and anger.

"You mean my father?!" he said, looking at his father Hephaestus who was also shocked. Will frowned, sighing. He looked at Leo's father, who was smelling like motor and oil, was munching the home-made food of Esperanza.

"Yes, Leo. I have a fetish for old mans that only has food for a way to enjoy their life. No, you idiot, I mean your friend!" he yelled, waiting for it to hit Leo. Leo smiled.

"Oh.. You mean Nico-wait, you mean my bloody friend Nico Di Angelo?!"

Will nodded, smiling ear to ear. "Nico... The name itself is attracting," he said. He repeated the name few more times to himself, enjoying the excitement caused by it.

"Nico Di Angelo.."

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