Chapter 12

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I screamed internally as I slowly started to come out of my deep sleep. It's that state when it feels like you're resting, but the minute you open your eyes you won't be able to go to sleep.

And I wanted to sleep. Man, buying a new mattress was the best decision I've ever made. It was firm yet soft like a cloud. Might have been a bitch to get through the doorwa-Wait just a second. I don't remember moving a new mattress through the house. I don't even remember buying it. And this duvet was thinner than mine.

Please. For once in my life, can I be wrong and just be in my bed instead of where I think I am now?

I peaked my eyes open and stared at the red wall across from me before glancing down at the duvet. Another thought occured to me.

This is where Niall has sex.

I shrieked my head off and crawled my way off the bed, falling off and onto my back. And to make this even worse, whoever was in that bed with me shot up and started screaming, as well.

The person stopped for a moment and peaked over onto the side where I'd fallen only to start screaming again. And once I realized I had just slept with Niall, I started screaming again, too. He continued to scream while doing this weird hand gesture from the bed to me and then back again. And he began to shout weird slurs, if I could understand him, he'd probably be wondering why I was in his bed.

I stood up and also began to shout gibberish, shrugging my shoulders. He suddenly stopped making any movements and sounds and just sat there on his bed smirking at me. Only, he wasn't making eye contact. He was looking down. I followed his gaze and screamed when I realized I wasn't wearing pants. I turned around and- yup, the little bastard was the type of guy to have a full body mirror- and saw that not only were my red laced panties exposed, but the crop topped zip up vest had unzipped almost all the way, exposing my chest and barely covering up my nips. I quickly covered my chest with my arms, but I might as well not have.

Grabbing a random shirt lying on the floor, I threw it on before turning to face Niall again. He was still smirking, and if anything, his smirk widened. We both opened our mouths to say something when some guy came out of the closet and scared the hell out of us. It was Caleb. Followed by a guy with a lot of tattoos, followed by a brunette, Liam I think his name was, followed by a platinum blonde girl and Louis. We all screamed upon seeing each other. Them because they probably didn't know where the fuck they were, and us, because well.

"Okay, what the fu-" Niall started off but the sound of his door being kicked in by freaking hockey masked Jason holding a revving chainsaw.

Everyone screamed, and started panicking. At this point, I definitely wasn't going to wait around for Freddy Krueger to stop by for a visit, so I grabbed my things, yanked open Niall's window, climbed over the rail, and jumped off.

Thankfully, there were bushes under his window, but I guess I over jumped because I hit the ground, just infront of the bushes. I felt the bush leaves brush my toes just before impact.

I just layed there for a minute, groaning before I realized that I was just in an oversized t-shirt, my panties, clothes in hand, having just jumped out a two story window.

This is why I don't go to parties.

I pushed myself off the ground and ran for the Gamma house. No one was out yet so it must have been pretty early in the morning, thank goodness. And my sudden streak of luck continued as I realized any Gammas that had gotten in last night left the door unlocked, so I just slipped inside and slammed the door behind me before running upstairs and into my bedroom.

I knew I shouldn't have gone to that party. I knew it. Well, not at the time, but you get what I mean.

I threw my clothes into the hamper and pulled my cellphone out.

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