Chapter 7

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((Double update, whaaaaa. 11K! THATS CRAZY! Thank you! Listened to Jessie J's "Domino" on repeat))

-some random girl in my doorway. Her legs were crossed and she was bouncing lightly.

"Can I please use your bathroom??"

I moved aside and she stepped in.

"Down the hall, third door on your right." She nodded and hurried down the hall.

What a relief, I actually thought that could have been Niall. How stupid of me, it's not like he's stalking me or something.

Shut up.

I walked to the kitchen and pulled the fridge door open, spotting my treat.

"Yes..." I reached in and pulled out the box of ding dongs. Oh, yeah. Gonna have some fun tonight. Pulling the cardboard tabs open, I pulled one out.

Just as I was about to unwrap my treat, I heard loud shuffling and rolled my eyes. This chick was probably drunk off her ass and lost.

Sighing, I walked down the hall to find her staring at the front door. Just staring. Like...some weird person.

I placed the wrapped ding dong in my mouth and opened the door for her. A lazy grin took over her face and she stumbled out slurring a thanks.

I shut the door and ran upstairs still carrying the ding dongs to retrieve my laptop.

Jumbling my laptop, the box of ding dongs, and my headphones, I slowly made my way down the stairs and into the living room, I set my laptop down on some little table and then walked over to couch, letting out a huge shriek as soon as I looked over at it.

Niall motherfucking Horan was sat comfortably on my couch, smirking at my reaction.

"You scared me!" I placed a hand on my heart, trying to calm it. Niall's smirk just grew. "What are you doing here?!"

Niall rested his feet on the table across from the couch, and patted the spot next to him. If he thought I was gonna sit next to him, he can go jump off the roof.

Realizing that I wasn't going to sit next to him, he crossed his arms and frowned. My god, his muscles were just poping out and his lips-NO. BAD CHLOE. BAAAAAD.

But the odds of me getting him out of this house without doing what he wants....Pretty slim.

He pressed his lips.

So did I.

He clicked his tongue.

I did the same.

He raised an eyebrow.


I scowled, using all my concentration to try and lift only one of my eyebrows. The task proved to difficult so I just gave up. Niall's laughter echoed throughout the house.

It sounded real nice, especially for him. It was...boyish. And cute. I found myself biting my lip and smiling so I quickly snapped out if it and sat on the cushion next to him. He stared at me for a while before he started talking.

"I didn't see you. Over there. At the party."

I raised both of my eyebrows "So you just decided to come check on me?"

His jaw tightened, dear lord, and a dark look passed over his face for just a quick second, but I know I saw it.

"Something like that." An awkward silence followed. "Aren't you gonna ask me how I got in?"

I rolled my eyes as Niall tried to distract me from the fact that he was slowly moving his arm to rest over my shoulders. I moved it away from me and onto the top of couch. He seemed satisfied with that and left it there. I knew what he was getting at. With his question, I mean, but I know he's making passes, too.

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