Then i felt something tugging my shirt and i looked down and it was hara.

"Mom. Can i borrow your phone for a while? I miss dad's face. I wanna see a picture of him." She said.

"Uhm. Sure,sweety." I said and gave her my iphone.

"I promise i will take care of myself." She said.

I nodded and stared at her. She wasn't looking to galery..she was searching my contacts. Maybe by picture she meant by face-timing. But jungkook is busy,though.

I shrugged and followed hana to where she takes me.

I can believe in my kids. They learned taekwondo when they are 3 y/o. Somehow,jungkook wanted his kids to be as strong as him. He doesn't care about gender. Girl or boy can do it even if it's hard sometimes,that's what he said. He never feel how it's like being a house-wife like me..i somehow don't feel sad or angry,i'm not in the mood for doing so.

Hara then go to me and handed me my phone. Finally she's smilling. I felt relieved that she smiled so brightly and happily. I know that hara is the closest one to jungkook. But..does she really love jungkook more than me? It looks like it but i loved jungkook if jungkook is being jungkook himself. Ok,that's hurting my head a bit.

We payed and walked out of the toy store,searching for some food. Then,i saw a veryveryvery familiar back. He turned around and it was jungkook,with shinhee..

This who-rrrrrrse. I love horses. Woohooo.

Somehow,this is making my anger level from -100 to a million real quick. What am i gonna do? My husbands cheating(no he's not),if my daughters sees this,my day will be filled with baby tears and questions.

I tried to ignore it until he bumped me.

"Oh,sorry..i was--" he froze to see me infront of him.

"Oh,hi,honey." I smiled the brightest,trying to hide my pain.

"H-hi..what're you doing here? You bring the kids?" He asked.

"Do they look like parasites clinging to your legs right now or you really didn't notice?" I pointed to the kids that clings to jungkook and he pushed them away.


"Get off me,kids. People are gonna look at me thinking i'm already married." He said as he cleans the dust of his pants.

I got so angry.

"You ARE married." I said.

"I have to go back bye." He said and headed to the table that he and that bit--ter sugar was sitting.


I cancelled my food and apologized and bring the kids home. I glanced at them again and they were having fun,chatting and laughing their asses off. What a plastic face.

I got home and the kids were crying. Saying that jungkook didn't love them anymore.

Then,after 2 hours of sobbing,crying,snotting and wasting my tissues,they finally went to sleep and i carry them to their rooms. Feeling so tired,i finally looked at the clock and it was already 9. Gah,i'm tired. I wanna sleep.

I got to my room who suddenly have a scented candle. It smelled so good. Who bought this? Ah..i can sleep so well tonight.

I flopped to my bed that suddenly gone soooo much softer than last santa finally coming over? Oh wait,this is summer.  Do they know my birthday? Gawd,such a magical day. Except the fact that i met jungkook part,that is a no no.

Married To A Jerk [JUNGKOOK BTS FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now