Chapter 2: Uncertainty

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After breakfast, some of the adults went to harvest some plants close to the fence while the others stayed for some guy was going to play some annoying song with his banjo while singing a random song no one's heard before with an awfully high-pitched voice.

I got as far as possible as I sat at the edge of the cliff behind the Dining Parlor. I would miss this place if I left. I would.

I sat against the bark of an oak tree in the corner and I rested against it's hard, harsh bark and slowly, I cried and sobbed while I hugged myself long and desperately.

I was going to miss this place.
The way everyone was so happy and nice.
How everyone smiled and enjoyed every second given until their last days.

The thing is, they love living like that. They live like life is perfect and I just can't. I can't. That's all my stupid thoughts can say. I just can't.

I'd leave my parents. My family.

"Stupid,stupid,stupid,"I chanted to myself in my head while mentally slapping myself.

I cried until my body was so shaken and my lips were trembling so vigorously.

I got up and grabbed the closest stone I could grab and grasped it in a tight grip.

I grunted and threw the stone the farthest I could.
My heart couldn't take it anymore. It was probably easier for everyone else since most of them were probably choosing the faction they were born in. Why wasn't I, though? Still can't explain that in real words, though.

I screamed loudly at the sky. I huffed and bit my lip. That felt good. I shouted at the sky again. I'd probably look like a lunatic but I was perfectly by myself.

"You know, I hate this. YOU KNOW THAT?!" I shouted.

I kicked on dirt and pressed my hands against the bark of the oak tree until there were small red marks on the palm of my hands and I grunted.

I decided to be sane again as I dried my eyes with a finger and started walking back with a grimace on my face. I lowered my face so that no one could see my flushed-up face. Out of the blue, I heard a soft sigh as I walk a few steps forward. I saw a guy and girl that were the same age I was, I presumed.

"Sorry,Dahlia-",the guy said.
"Huh, you remember my name and I'm sorry, I don't remember yours," I snapped at him.

He looked hurt and I could see that but I shrugged it off. The girl then said,"Could you come with us, please?"she said.

I knew this situation. I knew it so well. They saw me. They saw. No,no,no...They're going to take me to that small, metal room again and give me with that. THAT thing.

The Peace Serum.

I backed away slowly and each step brought me closer to the edge of the cliff. I could feel my feet going farther and farther as the ground got steeper and steeper under them. My heart was beating rapidly fast.

Suddenly, I tripped as I scraped my knee and fell butt-first to the floor.

I looked up and saw two pair of eyes, staring at me, concerned. The girl offered a hand while the guy mended my knee with a bottle of oil and a small handkerchief. I tried leaving by telling them I was okay but they insisted on helping since they insisted it was their fault.

I hastily walked towards the room I knew so well. I'm pretty sure I could memorize every single step taken to get there. I hated it. I hated it so, so much.

I read the sign over the door.


The door opened and a rush of hot,musky air hit me straight in the face. I entered anyway knowing I didn't have a choice.

The Choice (Divergent Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum