Chapter 1: Amity

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The Sun peeked in through my window as sunbeams shone and I could see dust particles flying in the air. I blew on a strand of hair that was stuck in my mouth before getting off my bed. I hurried downstairs to get my clothes and changed into a carefree yellow dress that fell to my knees with a pair of loose red pants and I left my feet bare and naked and enjoyed the way the wood felt under my feet.

I entered the living quarters of my family's wooden house and saw my parents both seated side by side humming to each other. This kind of situation is actually very normal in Amity. It's basically what we do all day. We.

I usually knew how to respond to these things happening but today, it just felt different because I knew what was on their minds. My mom and dad eyed me silently as I queitly walked passed by them and walked out of the...

"Dahlia...,"my mom said slowly.

"Yes?" I reluclantly turned around and saw my dad patting the stool next to him with a huge grin splattered on his face.

I walked back towards them and I quietly sat between them.

"Honey, we've been thinking, how are you feeling about the Aptitude Test coming up tomorrow?"

How am I not surprised?

I looked them straight in the eye and bit my lip. I've been an Amity all my life. Why can't I just lie and say everything's swell and dandy?

"I'm a little scared, I think," I pout as I say this.

My parents both smiled.

"Everything's going to be fine,"they both said simultaneously and laughed.

I admit, I laughed at that too.

As a small part of my fear lifted off my shoulders, I suppressed a grin on my face.

"That's more like it!"my mom cheers and gets off her chair.

Dad starts punching the air with his fists vigorously as mom clapped her hands.

I shrugged and chuckled.

"This is ridiculous,"I say but I laugh anyways even though my heart still felt a little heavy.

This is why I can't stay here. Amity is peacefulness. Everyone laying back, making friends, expressing art and most importantly, being happy but I couldn't do that with my pessimism getting the best of me.

For me, Amity was just...wrong.

It feels wrong.

Mom whispered in my ear as she pat my back,
"Trust me."

I tried laughing like I did before but all that came out was a forced scoff followed by a loud, unsettling cough. I reassure myself.

"Sure," I say as we head towards the Dining Parlor that used to be a greenhouse before the faction system where everyone else were already eating and enjoying their food.

You see, the city is divided into sections that house each one of five factions; Erudite, Abnegation, Amity, Candor, and Dauntless. The factionless, on the other hand, are spread across abandoned parts of the city, living as nomads.

I'm Amity. At least that's what they keep telling me. That's what everyone says I am. That's what I'm supposed to be. Or maybe just what they want me to be. I guess I'll just stay here then. No one would be hurt if I stayed here. I'd be safe here.

But, that's the thing. That's the only good quality I can say about this faction. I hate it. I'm not even supposed to be hating anything. Yet, I'm hating the faction that supports it. It's so ironic it's almost funny to me.

I scurriedly got my plate and slowly went in line to eat. A whole line of trays filled with random food possibly from new harvests. Corn, bread, beets, cabbages, carrots, random fruits and sometimes, small slices of meat. Today, the amount of food served could probably feed three times bigger than us.

Though, I didn't have much of an appetite. I decided to pick a slice of meat and some small carrot cuts before I walked out into the middle of the greenhouse and grunted silently. I smirked when I saw the bread. Yup, I'm NOT taking the Peace Serum these people are putting in the bread!

Great. I had nowhere to sit. I paid a glance to my parents who were happily chatting up to Joanna before staring long and hard at the packed up tables and filled-in chairs. I trembled as I walked among smiling people having the time of their lives as I faked a smile so someone would consider calling me to join them.

No one wants to sit with you.

No one likes you.

You don't belong here.

I shrug off the voices in my head and walk towards a group of children who were happily playing with each other. Some were playing with colourful building blocks and a few were singing phrases from a children's song. The one their parents sang last night to them, I presume.

Cute, I thought to myself.

"Hi!"I exclaimed and smiled as best as I could.

The kids smiled back and waved at me.

At least someone is happy to see me.

I sit down cross-legged on the ground next to them and place my plate on my lap. I savour the chicken and the mushy carrots while I watch them play and sing like I never used to.

After a while, the food started to taste like cardboard and I carefully set my plate aside. I drifted my eyes away from those children and something from afar just caught. At the corner of my eye, I saw a small, little girl sitting alone by herself holding a lone, single building block in her left hand.

I went across the room and sat next to her. She looked at me silently and sniffed. I had no idea why she was crying but I had the urge to comfort her. She reminded of me for some reason.

Probably because she was sad and alone. I knew how it felt.

"Hey, why are you crying?"I ask.

Dahlia, this is the most uncomforting question you could have asked her.

"I-i..."she mutters.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me," I assure her with the most gentle voice I could utter.

"B-but I w-w-want to,"she stammers as her teary eyes looks into mine.

"You sure you're Amity?"I ask enquiringly.

"I'm not so sure anymore,"the girl replies solemnly.

Me neither.
This is the first chapter of my first story here on Wattpad so please lay it easy on me. This is Divergent from a different point of view. Feel free to comment because I'd love to know your opinion.

I'd also like to promote my Book Aminos account, it has the same username (darklightauthor).

I'm running out of things to say, so...

Till' next time,

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