Spring Beginning

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This is part 1 of 4 of a Malec mini series I'd like to call Four Seasons. Each part we'll see Magnus and Alec's journey through life together and their struggles and accomplishments in their relationship. Told in Magnus' pov. Enjoy

It was spring time when I proposed to Alec. The trees were beginning to bloom again, the birds were returning from their southern vacation and school had started up again for the mundane children. Max would be starting school soon. I would be home schooling him. Alec would be schooling Raphael.

Naturally, Alec was thrilled when I asked him to marry me. The boys were with us at the time and they both squealed with joy as Alec and I kissed. Raphael was 9. Max was 7. Both were as thick as thieves and you'd never find one of them too far away from the other. Family doesn't end in blood, as the saying goes.

The real pain of it all is getting ready for the wedding. I say this because I'm not a Shadowhunter. Traditionally, when two Shadowhunters get married they exchange the wedded rune, placing one on their partner's skin. Runes on my skin would kill me. Or I'd go insane. Worst case scenario is that my body would burn to death as soon as the stele is placed on my skin. Nothing says "I do" more than setting your husband on fire at the altar.

"We'll find a way," Alec had told me. "We always do."

Alec didn't used to be this optimistic. It was only when we started dating that he began to see the brighter side of things. He claims that I opened his eyes to the world around him, whereas I claimed he unlocked something in me. Having trust issues for so many centuries kind of leaves you living a lonely and secluded life. Until the right person comes along, that is. You can throw as many parties as you like and own as many clubs as you want but nothing can ever replace the emptiness in your heart.

And that's where Alexander came in.

The night he and his posse of Nephilim came into my club looking for information about a mundane girl's blocked memories was the first day of the beginning of the rest of my life. Alec had shot a circle member with his bow and arrows from a great distance in my club, and his confidence with his weapons and skill was what attracted me to him the most. Granted, at the time I didn't know that he wasn't fully "out" when I began to lay down my warlock charm and he shied away from it. I just thought he was playing hard to get.

You see, demons are assholes. To be completely blunt with you, demons are the assholes of the other dimension. They will use every weakness they can against you and make you confront your greatest fears and darkest thoughts. Sometimes they'll even expose your deepest secret. This particular demon that these Shadowhunters had me summon did just that. We each needed to sacrifice a memory of the one we loved most. Alec's just so happened to be of Jace, his parabatai.

Jace, of course, as stupid as he is, had absolutely no idea what the true meaning of Alec's memory was. I knew immediately. The boy loved his parabatai in ways that was strictly forbidden in their world. Homosexuality is a big no-no. Falling in love with your parabatai is an even bigger no-no. It results in the removal of marks and the boot from the Shadowhunter world. You're basically shunned and forced to live the rest of your life as a mundane.

I didn't want that for Alec. Not only is being gay frowned upon, falling in love with a Downworlder is just downright preposterous. He wasn't okay with who he was when we first began to talk a little bit, but eventually I got him to open up and see the world a little differently. I thought for sure I had changed his mind and he was okay with being gay.

Until he told me he was getting married. To a girl.

"It's tradition. I'm keeping the Lightwood name alive. Reviving it," he had told me.

Fading Scars: A Series of Malec One ShotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat