Chapter 4

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Aurora and I walked into our little cottage.

"We need to talk to you about something"

"Oh, yes, sweeties, what is it?" I closed the door behind us. We looked at auntie Knotgrass' face that was slightly tinted blue but then disappeared within seconds.

"We're sorry to have to tell you this, but I'll be 16 tomorrow"

"Oh. Oh, yes" they all jumped excitedly. Auntie Knotgrass grabbed a cake that didn't look all too appealing.

"We're leaving home" I said. They were all shocked even dropping the cake to the floor.

"See here, young ladies. I did not spend 16 years in this miserable hovel with these two imbeciles..." Auntie Knotgrass began, making both auntie Thistlewit and Flittle gasp. "Shush! So that you both could ruin it on the last day. We are taking you both back to your father with..." She stopped. Aurora and I were confused.

"Our father?" Aurora asked.

"You told us our parents were dead"

"I think you both need to come and sit down" auntie Flittle suggested. And we did. We listened to the story and all the little memories I had of my beautiful mother came pouring back into my mind. Her Smile, her voice. I was 2 and a bit when I was taken from her and I had forgotten about her believing what our "aunties" had told us. That our mother and father had both died. Once they were finished we ran out of the cottage. We ran to the Moors.

"Fairy Godmother!" Aurora called.

"I'm here"

"When were you going to tell us that we're cursed? Is it true?"

"It is"

"Our aunts said it was an evil fairy" I spoke on the verge of tears.

"I... I can't remember her name. They said... It was..."

"Maleficent" that name. I remembered. I remembered her magic. The words. How scared I was. How scared I had seen my mother that day long ago.

"Is that you? Are you Maleficent?" She began approaching us. "No! Don't touch me" Aurora pulled away and I grabbed her arm softly. I don't know why I did I just did. "You're the evil that's in the world. It's you!" Aurora ran off crying harder. I stood there looking at Maleficent and then ran after Aurora. Once we were back at the cottage we mounted the only horse we had and rode off to the castle. I had made sure that Aurora was sat infront of me as I held onto the rains. I didn't want her to fall. Once inside the castle we were escorted to see the King.

"I need every available man on the east wing now. There should be no guards at the gate. I want her to walk right in"

"Sorry to disturb, your Majesty" the guard who brought us here spoke. "We found these urchins at the gate. They claim to be the princesses" a man approached us.

"Father" Aurora spoke. "It's me, Aurora!" She ran to him, hugging him.

"You look just like your mother" he said lovingly to Aurora. "They brought you two back a day too soon. I told those three idiots! Lock them up in their room. Go" he ordered the guard. The guard began to drag us away. "Prepare the weapons. Maleficent's coming" we were dragged into a room and were locked in.

Hours passed and I began to feel my finger swelling. Aurora tried to open the door but nothing happened. That's when we began to hear whispering. I began to feel the walls.

"Aurora" a voice called beckoning "Celestia" the whispering was calling our names. That's when I found a secret door as if the whispers were telling me where to go. Aurora stood next to me as I knocked on the door. Someone opened and we ran out.

"Wait!" We ran following our instincts. "Princesses?" We ran around the castle and then slowed down when we came to some stairs.

"Into a sleep like death" my finger turned green slightly. "Celestia" it called again "Aurora" we followed the whispering until we got to the dungeons. The door opened as if by magic. "Aurora... Celestia" we walked in and there were spinning wheels everywhere. Broken and burnt. A green light showed us the way to two spinning wheels that, thanks to magic, was fixed. They almost looked brand new. We approached them. Once the donning wheel was in front of us we placed out desperate fingers onto the spindle. Then everything went black.

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