Author's Note

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So...uh surprise! I have a new story I've been working on. So here's a little about what it is and how I came about thinking this up. You are by no means required to read this, so skip it if you wish and go on to the actual story. 

You Found Me, what a poetic beautiful title right? The idea behind this story is actually something that I've always wanted to experience. A deep conversation between two strangers. They talk about anything and everything. Thereby creating an unbreakable bond. I've always wanted that to happen to me, and I've always wanted to write a story where this happened. Of course when I pictured it I imagined a romantic cute little story. But meh, one day I'll write an epic love story. Now I'm content with having epic love subplots in my stories. 

Fair warning, I'm really hesitant to call it a horror story because the horror isn't so out there or even scary, who knows maybe it will be. It's more like a psychological horror but even then I don't feel comfortable calling it that. 

Don't try and tell me I suck at writing horror because I never meant for this to be truly scary, I just chose not to write an actual horror story but rather something with a twist. A situation that can be scary depending on your thoughts. And if anything the very end of the story is what makes me classify this as horror. So you'll see. 

This is also just supposed to be a short story. Two parter. First part today Friday the 13th 2013. And the second and final part will be released in early October as I started writing this thinking of publishing it as a "Halloween story" just for fun. 

Also a very important thing to note. The character is speaking to you, the reader. Breaking the fourth wall and using second person/first person as well as past tense. She's describing the situation. And the italicized parts are supposed to be in third person, present tense. Just something I'm experimenting with and think of the italics as a subplot. 

I don't know. Hopefully you enjoy it! 

And we can thank my amazing friend @smidorii for the gorgeous cover!

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