Chapter Seventeen: I could show you the world

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Picture: Marinette pushing Chat Noir away from her. Both of them are grinning so it's in a playful manner, I guess. 😂

Song: Immortals by Fall Out Boy ❤❤❤❤

I know that most of you want my head served on a plate - I totally understand why. It's been over a week since I last published a new chapter. 😅

But please, here me out 😂

I was really busy over the weekend - so many projects, I had to study, school, school and more school. 😩

I'm just glad that we are closing for mid-term next week. 😅

But pushing that aside....What up, my homies?

So lately, I've gotten so many votes! I check my Wattpad every single day and this came as a shock to me. 😱

I mean the last chapter has 17 votes - the highest votes that I have ever gotten in my life in one chapter 🙌🙌

I don't know about you, but that's freaking amazing! 17 people tapped the little star button! 💫💫

I love you guys so much! ❤❤

I know that I keep saying this but it's true. I am so grateful and I don't take this for granted. 😊

Next update: Probably next Thursday or Friday 💭

Anyways, have a good day/night and don't forget to:

Live 😎
Love ❤
Laugh 😂


****not edited****


I couldn't sleep when it hit 10 pm. I knew that I had a curfew and that school was tomorrow, but my parents gave me the chance to stay home and relax for the whole day.

I'm still debating on whether to go to school or not.

As for now, I was thinking about what time Adrien would show up at my house. That text kept on repeating in my head.

"Tikki?" I called out in the dark. "Are you still awake?"

"Mmm," My red kwami stirred. "Marinette?" She called in a drowsy voice.

"Oh, I didn't mean to wake you," I apologised. "You can go back to sleep if you like,"

"I'm already awake so there is no use in sleeping," Tikki replied.

"That makes the job easier for both of us then," Another voice piped up and Tikki and I screamed in alarm.

"Hey. Keep it down. You don't want your parents to wake up, do you?" A figure said from the window before plopping down on the bed beside me.

It took me a second to put two and two together.

"Adrien?" I asked, trying to see his face. It was awfully dark, so that was like finding a needle in a haystack.

"Yes, Mari? We need to go," Adrien stood up and I noticed something flickering behind him.
I was about to scream when it hit me that he had transformed into Chat Noir.

"I would like it if you were Ladybug," Adrien gave me a side glance.

"And why would I do what you would like?" I crossed my arms on my chest.

"Because I'm older than you and you have to do what I say," Adrien replied, fully facing me, now.

I sighed. I really didn't like it when people played the I'm-older-than-you-so-you-have-to-do-what-I-say card.

Lady Noir (Ladybug x Chat Noir) - Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now