Kiba x Reader

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Kiba's P.O.V.
I walked with Akamaru to the training grounds. Kurenai-sensei was supposed to watch over us, but Shino backed out and went on a mission with his father. Hinata backed out to try and gather up the courage to finally talk to Naruto. So, here I am. I decided a little training would be great for me, not that I'm not amazing enough already. I smirked and thought of a new jutsu that was sure to put Naruto and Sasuke to shame.

As I walked closer to the training grounds, a familiar scent caught my attention. (Y/N). I growled and crossed my arms. "What is she doing here?" I asked myself and looked at Akamaru. He barked at me, telling me to ignore her and just train. However, I can't ignore (Y/N). She's annoying, arrogant, strong, cool, beautiful..and just so..amazing. Ugh. I hate the fact that I like her, even though we're rivals.

"Well, well, look who decided to train for once. Tired of being weak?" (Y/N) sneered. "Hah, I could ask you the same thing." I retorted with a smirk. She glared and growled under her breath. "At least I didn't get beaten by Naruto during the Chunin Exams." She insulted. "Oh yeah? At least I didn't use up almost all of my chakra." I shot back.

"You were fighting against Naruto, my opponent was way stronger than he was. Idiot." She defended. "Whatever. What are you doing here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be teaching those little snots at the Academy about being kunoichi?" I asked, wanting an answer. "How did you know I was supposed to do that today? I didn't tell anyone." She replied and narrowed her eyes at me. Great, this is embarrassing. Way to go, Kiba.

"Well, I'm teaching those little snots too, but Iruka let me off the hook." I lied. She looked away and sat down on that branch. "Kiba, can I ask you something? You're the only guy I know that won't lie to me because you hate me." She said while chuckling. "Go for it." I replied. "If you didn't hate me, would you date me?" She asked, looking at her feet.

"What's that question about?" I asked. "Well, Yukio and Shima were talking about their love life. I decided I should join in on the conversation too, but they told me..I wasn't really the type of girl someone would want as a girlfriend." She whispered with a sad smile. Even though (Y/N) was sort of a tomboy, that didn't mean she wasn't pretty.

In fact, she had the most feminine figure I've ever seen. Shima and Yukio just make her feel bad about herself because she's stronger than the both of them combined. I hate seeing her act like this, sadness doesn't suit her. "Hah. You're really gonna listen to idiots who are weaker than you? Stand up, wipe that look off your face. Come on, let's spar. After all, I'm gonna become Hokage before you and Naruto." I sneered.

Suddenly, she smiled and glared at me. "Oh yeah? Well, let's see how strong you are Inuzuka. No ninjutsu, just taijutsu. I'm not gonna enhance my strength because I don't need to." She retorted with a smile. Akamaru barked and wagged his tail, telling me that he'll just watch from a nearby tree. "Same here, Akamaru isn't needed for this match." I replied with a smirk.

We both stood three feet away from each other and got into our fighting stances. "Three, two, one." We counted together. Suddenly, she dashed towards me and threw punches. I dodged them and swiftly tripped her, but she caught herself and swung her legs around. I didn't have enough time to block, so the kick landed on my shoulder. I fell to my knees, but quickly started to defend myself.

Your P.O.V.
He's gotten better, usually I would've beaten him by now. This fight has gone on for way too long. Did Kiba really get stronger than last time? "Ha! You let your guard down." Kiba said and landed a punch on my left cheek. I fell and was pinned to the ground. "It seems like you win." I smirked and wiped the blood off my bottom lip.

"Didn't mean to hit you that hard, but at least you didn't cry." Kiba chuckled and helped me up. "That was nothing. Hey want to go for a walk? I'm bored and that was fun." I smiled. I'll be honest, I have a huge crush on Kiba. Sure, we're rivals, but I fell in love with him about two years ago. He's strong, arrogant, short tempered, stupid, cute, funny, and just so..loveable.

"Sure. You know, I'm beginning to like you." Kiba grinned and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I blushed, but quickly smirked. "You're not so bad too, Inuzuka." I said. We started to walk around the village and Akamaru followed. Be calm, be cool. I reminded myself. "Hey (Y/N), can I ask you something?" Kiba said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Hm? Go for it." I casually replied. "Remember the first day we met? Heh. Time sure flew by since then." Kiba smiled. I remembered that day clearly, like it was just yesterday. That's when we became rivals.


"Why are you dressed like a boy? Weirdo. Freak. You're supposed to dress like a girl" A group of boys said to a girl. Kiba was walking by when he overheard the harsh insults. He was only eleven years old, but he knew that was crossing the line. Kiba was a bully himself, sometimes, but he'd never pick on a girl. "Yeah, and why is your hair so short? It's ugly. You're never going to get a boyfriend if you look like a boy your whole life." Another boy said while tugging on the girl's short hair.

She held in tears, but quickly grabbed his arm. "Look, I hate my hair too, but I had to cut it because a strand was cut by a kunai while I was training. I'm dressed like a boy because it's more comfortable and easier to move in than girl clothes. You guys are so tough, picking on a girl that barely moved to this village. Just you watch, I'll become Hokage and you'll be sorry." The girl growled.

"As if you can become Hokage, you can't even stick up for yourself!" One boy laughed. The girl growled in frustration and attacked the leader of the group. She sat on top of him and started to punch his face. "Shut up! I don't know why you're talking, you underestimated me and let your guard down!!" She shouted and continued to punch him. Suddenly, two other boys pulled her off of their leader and held her.

The leader angrily stood up and clenched his fist. "You're gonna be sorry you did that, girl." He growled. He raised his fist, ready to punch the girl. In an instant, the leader's fist was held by Kiba. "Oh no you're not. Let her go, she's new to the village. She didn't do anything wrong." Kiba growled, scaring the boys. They let her go and quickly ran away from the Inuzuka boy.

He glanced at the girl and helped her off of her knees. "Hey, don't worry about them. They won't bother you. My name's Kiba Inuzuka." He grinned at the girl. "I could've handled myself, Kiba Inuzuka." She glared and started to walk away. "A thank you would've been nice, but at least tell me your name." Kiba said. "(Y/N) (L/N), remember it." She said and walked away.

~~~~~~~Flashback End~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kiba's P.O.V.
"You were such a rude girl." I chuckled. (Y/N) blushed and looked away. "Thank you for saving me that day." She mumbled. "Heh, no problem. (Y/N), why do you care if you're able to be someone's girlfriend or not? Are you trying to impress someone?" I asked. She started to blush and play with her fingers, like Hinata does when she's around Naruto. "No, I uh..was just wondering, ya know?" She said and pretended to be casual. "Let me guess, you like a guy, but you're scared he's into girls who are girly. Am I right?" I questioned.

(Y/N) looked at her feet and nodded. "Yeah." She sighed. Now I feel kind of angry. She's perfect the way she is, she doesn't need to change for someone. "Don't try to change yourself to fit his standards or whatever. This is really a bad time to say this, but (Y/N)'re cool. Hell, you're amazing the way you are. You're funny, strong, beautiful, and just..awesome. I'll admit, I fell in love with you. Even though you're my rival, I hate seeing you beat yourself up over something stupid." I said, casually.

"Kiba? You..fell in love with me? Why?" She whispered, shocked. "Because you're different." I replied. By now, her eyes were watering with tears. "I fell in love with you too, Inuzuka." She said, wiping her tears away. She loves me..too? My heart started to beat faster. I quickly pulled her close to me and placed a kiss on her lips. After three seconds, I pulled away and grinned. "I love you, (Y/N)." She blushed and punched my arm. "I love you too, idiot."

[A/N]: This kinda sucks, but it's all I could think of .~.

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