Chapter 15

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(Y/N)'s POV

I stared in horror and amazement at the pile of bones laying in the snow. How did he do that? Will he be OK? That probably took a lot out of him. I looked down at Sans for any signs that he was still alive. I didn't exactly know what I was supposed to look for since skeletons don't have organs, but I still searched. I gave up and bent down to pick him up. I threw him over my shoulder and trudged up the hill quickly to the skelebros' house. Not even halfway there, I heard a loud crack by my left ear. I stopped mid-step and looked over my shoulder at Sans's face. Zig-zagging out the side of his left eye was a small crack. My eyes widened as they continued to stare at the crack. Oh no. Couldn't this kill him?! I finally tore my eyes away and sprinted up the hill with the house in sight.

I burst through the door and laid Sans on the couch gingerly. I gently ran my finger along the crack. I flinched as my finger scraped against a jagged edge. I lifted my finger to find blood slowly trickling down my finger. I swiped it down my (F/C) t-shirt and peered over at Sans again. That's when I also noticed a long, thin line running diagonally from left to right across his face with yellowish-red stains skirting the edges. I should've tried harder to convince him that I should tag along. I should've told Papyrus the danger his brother was getting himself into. Tears lined my vision. "Papyrus!" I called to Papyrus without taking my eyes off Sans. I heard a large thump and stomping as Papyrus jumped down the stairs.

"HUMAN, WHAT SEEMS TO B—" Papyrus started but stopped once he caught sight of Sans. "SANS!" Papyrus stooped down on his knees and shook Sans. Sans was unresponsive. Papyrus's breath quickened as he pulled out his cell phone and dialed a number. He started shakily talking to someone named Dr. Alphys while I lowered myself closer to Sans's face. I remembered what Sans did during the battle against Frisk and Flowey and pulled out his SOUL. I didn't know what monster SOULS looked like, but I didn't think that this was right. It was white, almost transparent with a tiny crack in the upper right corner of the heart. I furrowed my brows in worry. I looked over to Papyrus and asked if I could see his SOUL. He nodded his head absentmindedly and continued to talk to the person on the other end of the line. I pulled the heart out of his body and put the two side-by-side. Papyrus's SOUL was white, bold, and without any cracks or faults; the complete opposite of Sans's. Papyrus peered over to see what I was doing. His eyes widened, and he described to the person on the phone the condition of Sans's SOUL. By the sound of the tone of the person on the other end, this was bad. I let go of the hold I had on the brothers' SOULS and sat on the couch next to Sans.

With a quiet "Thank you", Papyrus hung up the phone and looked over his brother. "We should probably look to see if he has anymore injuries," Papyrus mumbled. He put an arm under Sans and sat him forward. Then, Papyrus gently took each arm out of the sleeves of Sans's blue hoodie, leaving him in a white t-shirt. Papyrus lowered Sans back on the couch and looked at his arms. His arms were covered in scratches with even a few spots where the bone was pierced. The same yellowish-red stains surrounded the wounded areas. Skeletons didn't have blood. What would be leaking out of his arm? Oh . . . bone marrow. Papyrus looked like he was on the verge of breaking down and sobbing, but with a shaky breath continued to look Sans up and down. Almost every inch of his body was in the same condition as his arms. Papyrus finally broke down and started sobbing into the edge of the couch. I started rubbing his back as my own tears started building in my (E/C) eyes. A light bulb went off in my head. I concentrated on Sans and thought about his health bar. It appeared in front of me, and what I saw was a miracle. It read 0.01/1 HP. I gasped and nudged Papyrus. He sniffled but lifted his head to look at the health bar. He gasped once he laid his eye sockets on it.

"How?!" I gawked at Papyrus. He just shook his head in response. Silence drowned us but sighs of relief filled the silence and happy tears replaced the sad ones. Then, there was a knock at the door. Papyrus perked up at the sound and ran to the door. Once he opened the door, a small, yellow dinosaur with a clean, white lab coat walked in with a bag that was half its size. Undyne followed close behind it. They rushed over to the couch. The dinosaur kneeled at its foot and zipped open the bag that it set to its left side, and Undyne kneeled right behind it, peering over its shoulder.

"W-was there any s-s-sign of him a-alive?" It stuttered as it pulled a bandage wrap out of the bag. By the sound of the voice, I could tell the dinosaur was female. I nodded, still staying by Sans. She lifted Sans's arm, but this time, Sans jerked and let out a half whine-half wheeze. My eyes widened, and I jumped at the sound. I stared incredulously as Sans started breathing heavily.

"Thank God! He's OK," I sighed with more happy tears streaming down my face. I then looked over at Undyne quizzically, finally tearing my eyes away from Sans. "How did you know to come? That didn't sound like your voice on the phone."

Undyne tore her gaze away from Sans as well and gazed at me. "Alphys told me as soon as Pap told her about Sans." I nodded in apprehension and looked back at Sans. I was guessing that Alphys was the little yellow dinosaur because once the name was mentioned, she waved at me then started to wrap a bandage around Sans's left arm.

"Does Toriel and Fr—oh God . . . Frisk!" I said, jumping up. Everyone was staring at me, and Sans seemed to flinch once I mentioned Toriel. Before anyone could say anything, I bolted out the door and ran into the freezing Snowdin air.

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