Chapter 6

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(Y/N)'s POV

Sans, Papyrus, and I were all chilling on the couch watching TV. We just ate dinner, and everyone loved it. I never knew I was such a good chef. I sighed as the show we were watching ended, and a new one flared on. I glanced at the skeleton brothers, who were on both sides of me, and they were both smiling. I switched my gaze back over to the TV to see the title of the show, "Cooking with Mettaton". A tall, black and pink robot, who somehow had long hair, stood in a kitchen scene with a clean, white apron on. The robot introduced itself and the show; Papyrus squealing with excitement at the sight and scooted closer to the TV to get a better look. Sans's smile dropped once he saw the robot and blue wisps appeared by his left eye at Papyrus's reaction. I glanced warily at Sans.

"Sans, are you OK?" I asked, laying a hand on his shoulder. He growled a little bit and looked down at me. I started to get scared, and Sans could see that. Sans let out a sharp sigh, and the blue wisps disappeared as fast as they came. My expression changed to confusion as Sans continued to stare down at me.

"Sorry, kid. I just don't like Mettaton," Sans apologized. I assumed Mettaton was the robot on the TV. Sans narrowed his eyes at Papyrus watching Mettaton cook. "Especially if that sassy, no-good, self-obsessed robot is dating my bro." Sans's left eye grew a little brighter at each word he spoke.

"He can't be that bad," I reassured Sans. His eyes were still narrowed, but his eye stopped glowing. After a half an hour of Papyrus squealing whenever the robot said a word, and Sans staring Mettaton down as if he could jump out of the television any second, the show finally ended. Sans let out a sigh of relief, and Papyrus let out a little whine; I just yawned from exhaustion. The skeleton brothers looked tired as well. Sans smirked down at me as I let out yet another yawn. He slid his arms underneath me, but I interrupted, "I can sleep on the couch." Sans ignored me, and his grip got tighter until I was lifted up off the couch bridal-style. Sans lifted me to his eye-level and shook his head,

"I don't think that's how it works, kiddo," Sans said. I felt bad. I didn't want to kick Sans or Papyrus out of their own bed. Sans sensed this and started to tickle me. I giggled which grew to howls of laughter the longer he tickled me. I struggled out of his arms and started to fall. That wasn't the smartest move. I closed my eyes and braced myself, ready for impact, but it never came; blue started to glow under my shut eyelids. I opened them to find myself encased in a blue aura with Sans's hand extended and left eye glowing. He squinted one of his eyes and lifted the other's eyebrow and chuckled.

"Where do you think you're going, kiddo?" Sans questioned, flipping me upside-down. I giggled in the process. He then flipped me right-side-up and carried me upstairs using his magic. Alright, two can play at that game. We reached Sans's bedroom door. Before he could turn the doorknob, I made a snowball in my right hand using my magic and threw it at him. It hit him square on the side of his skull which made him turn towards me in surprise. I smirked once he saw me holding another snowball in my hand. He grinned and cocked an eyebrow. He set me down and put his hands in his jacket pockets.

"Throw another one, I dare you," Sans challenged me. Oh, it's on. I threw another one, and he dodged it. I smiled wider. So, it's a challenge. I made more and more snowballs and launched them at him. He smiled wider as well and dodged every single one. Splatters of snow covered the wall behind him. His hands were in his pockets the whole time. I gaped at him. "Surprised, huh? Well, if you only have 1 HP, you have to learn to dodge," Sans said breezily. He chuckled at my still shocked expression and opened his bedroom door. I waved my right hand, making the snow splatters disappear, and I followed Sans inside his room. There was a single plaid blue bed at the far wall with a simple dark oak nightstand on the right side of it; a white lamp stood atop it. Closet doors stood to the left with a bookshelf to the opposite of them full with quantum physic books and joke books. The walls and ceiling were white. (Sorry, I wrote this before looking at his room in the game.) This room was nice. Sans led me over to his bed and tucked me under the covers. "Goodnight, kid," Sans said while ruffling my hair.

I straightened my hair and looked up at him, "You remind me of Toriel. She was really nice." Once I mentioned Toriel, Sans' face started to turn blue, and he averted his gaze. If I was correct, that blue hue on his cheeks acted as blush. Does that mean . . . ? I gasped at my sudden realization, and Sans was waving his hands to signal for me to stop getting anymore ideas. I started clapping wildly and jumping up and down. Sans pulled his hoodie over his head and buried his face in his hands. Even when he covered his head, I could still see a faint blue glow coming from that area. I ship it so hard: Sans x Toriel. I stopped clapping and went under the sheets again, still giggling. Sans parted two bony fingers to look me.

"OK, I'll admit. I . . . l-like her. Don't tell her, please!" Sans panicked, crawling out of his cover. I was shaking with excitement at this point, but I pinkie-promised him I wouldn't tell her. I didn't secretly cross my fingers. I figured he would tell her once he felt more at ease. His eyebrows were creased with worry. He stood up and left the room, muttering goodnight when he closed the door and turned off the lights.

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