Chapter 19

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Step one of our plan was prepping for what I wanted to do, so we entered the mansion via a portal to the secret lair. Bryce powered up the containment unit, the same one he'd trapped Lachlan in before, and showed me how to operate it. The laser walls shimmered to life.

Bryce stood back, digging one hand into his hair. "We seriously need one of these," he said. ""

Bryce showed me how to leave the console on without actually activating the containment unit walls. I just hoped it would work when I needed it–and immediately. If not...well, I had no idea what to do if that failed other than run for it.

The next step was trapping my victim. I gripped the sides of the console, drumming my fingers.

"We need bait," Bryce said, pressing the tip of his thumb into his chin. "Bait that will draw the oldest."

I sighed.

"What?" he said.

"It should be me. They went to this trouble to kidnap me, I'm pretty sure they'll want me back. I should be the bait. And I think the easiest place to pull off what I want to do is that upstairs hallway."

Bryce paced next to the containment unit. "How about the elevator? That would get their attention. But we still have the other one to worry about..." He scratched the back of his head. "You'll stand in the elevator and I'll hide in the hallway and take out the younger brother if he shows up. You just wait to act until the oldest arrives."

"How will I know it's him for sure?"

"He's the biggest."

"That's the most description you can give me? He's the biggest?"

Bryce shrugged. "They all look the same. Size is his only distinguishable characteristic. Especially in the dark."

"All right." I reviewed the console one more time, just to make sure I had it down. Timing would be everything.

"Think you're ready?"

I forced a smile and nodded, though I felt anything but ready for this. Or for anything that had happened recently. I felt like I was using at least half my energy suppressing the desire to have a meltdown.

"Thanks for your help," I said and kissed Bryce's cheek, which turned a rosy pink.

"Be careful."

"You too."

I hoped the elevator was empty, stepping into a portal and inside it. I exhaled when I came out alone. Now to figure out which floor I was on and use the thing to travel.

The elevator was on the storage level, which creeped me out. I couldn't get out of there fast enough, pressing the upper level buttons until it got moving, stopping on the second floor. I told myself that fear was my greatest weapon, and I dismissed all the real fears that wanted to plague me. If he thought I was scared, he wouldn't see this coming. Or that's what I told myself.

I opened the elevator door slowly, like I was trying desperately to keep quiet.

I heard him before I saw him when the floor creaked. I opened my eyes wide in surprise and I hoped it convinced him.

I stumbled back, glancing at the controls, like calculating if I could move fast enough. I knew the elevator couldn't. The guy smirked. I guessed I was doing an okay job at looking scared, or maybe I wasn't pretending and that's why it worked.

Either way, he closed in on me, and I waited until I could see him more clearly. He wasn't the right brother because I saw Bryce's silhouette appear behind him, aiming at the guy's head to knock him out. Just as he was about to, the clone whipped around. He picked Bryce up by his shirt and flung him toward the other end of the hallway like a stuffed animal. I cringed as I heard Bryce hit the wall.

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