My eyes widened in shock. I tightened my hold on zere's hand which was already holding mine and dragged him to class as fast as I can which was not so fast because he was HEAVY.

Geez What the hell are his parents feeding him?


I know that.

Then why the hell did you ask ?

I didn't ask you, so shut up.

And that's how ladies and gentlemen you shut up the annoying voice in your head.

We arrived at our home room two freaking minutes after the final bell , all thanks to the jerk standing next to me.

A hot jerk.

Not in the mood to argue to you my stupid conscious.

So you agree to my earlier statement.

Get lost.

I opened the door to our homeroom to be greeted by the sight of Mrs.Thomas lecturing about the boring rules of the school. I don't know why they want to lecture about the rules on the first day of school for every freaking year.

" Excuse me ma'am." I interrupted the class meekly.

I think it was a bad idea to interrupt the class.

Great discovery genius.

Shut up.

The whole class was giving their divine attention towards me, not.

All the girls gave Zere the googly eyes and started whispering about how hot is Zere. Some girls even had the nerve to give me disgusted looks as if I'm not even worth to stand beside this masterpiece of gods.

Arrg , girls these days.

All the boys had look that said that Zere stole their chocolates and happily eating it before them. You know, the usual envious threatened looks.

Snap out of it , Thomas the angry engine is glaring at you.

" You are late. " boomed the angry voice of Mrs.Thomas.

" Sorry Ma'am we were caught up with Mrs.George. " I answered meekly.

" Is Mrs.George your teacher? No she isn't I am, how dare you say a reason like that after coming late to class. " Thomas the angry engine boomed.

" l " I started pathetically but was cut off by the voice of Zere.

" Mrs.George made her stay late because of me. There was some problem with the computer so it took long to find my schedule. Mrs.George asked her to stay because to show me the way to get here. " Zere defended me in a strong voice.

Did Zere just defend me or am I dead and now in heaven.

" Very well then but both of you will get detention. " said Thomas the now less angry engine.

" But " I started to protest but was now interrupted by Thomas the annoyed engine.

Why is everyone keep interrupting me today?

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