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There were two planets, a not so bad one Arendelle and a bad one Acnologia ruled by two kings more like puppets of the powerlust driven gods of these planets. The gods Arend and Acno were friends once upon a time but everything changed when they started to hate each other because they feared each other because they knew something about each other. The prophecy.
                The prophecy made the gods to clash against each other for survival of their planets and more importantly themselves. Once in every three thousand years Arendelle king's offspring is carried by the chosen woman of the chosen planet. The royal offspring should fight for Arendelle against the Acnologian prince if the chosen one wins lets just his or her planets will have a less harsher fate and if Arendelle wins the war of the planets more than twice in a row, the royal family of Acnologia will be assassinated for their incompetence and a new royal family will be chosen by God Acno. But everything is bound to change  as the incomplete prophecy will come use to soon.

The kings wage war with vengeance stirred
Cursed to drown the loser's crown
Pain and betrayal lurking around with hope and happiness no where to be found
Crushed beneath the winners foot with dust and hatred all round tied with a string of love which betrayed to stand a chance.......


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