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“Hey babe,” there was a harsh sting of sunburn across Niall’s freckled nose and Harry wished he could be there to kiss it better. “California is amazing! The weather is perfect and the people here are so pretty and I feel like everyone’s a celebrity and it’s awesome. The only thing that could make it better is if you were here.”

The shot zoomed out so that Harry could see Niall was on a beach, shirtless and damp in the bright sunlight. His slim, pale chest wasn’t as pale as it had been last time Harry had kissed and felt his way across it. Suddenly Harry noticed what seemed to be a cut on Niall’s side and he wished he could communicate with his boyfriend. It was partly hidden because of the way Niall was sitting, but Harry needed to see it. He needed to see how hurt his baby was.

“You’ve probably noticed by now…” Niall trailed off and the camera was moving as he shifted. Niall dragged it down his body until the picture showed nothing more than the road rash that covered Niall’s bare hip. Harry let out a gasp at the sight and his bottom lip inadvertently trembled. Niall was hurt. Niall needed him.

“Don’t worry Haz, I’m fine. It’s just a little scratch. The boys and I went roller blading yesterday and Louis dared me to try and grind on the curb and I fell off. I know you’re panicking right now Harry, but it doesn’t hurt and it should be healed by the time I get back. And even if it isn’t, you can put your hands there. I don’t mind.”

Harry felt a wash of anger towards Louis consume him. Louis was supposed to be Niall’s friend! He wasn’t supposed to be making the blonde do things that could hurt him.

The camera refocused on Niall’s face, “I can’t wait to see you again. Remember that one video where I talked about seeing you again at the airport? It’s all I’ve been thinking about lately. It’s been way too long since we last hugged. Your arms always make me feel safe.”

Niall opened his mouth to speak again when suddenly a bucket of water was tipped on his head, plastering his blonde hair to his skin and soaking him completely.

“I’m going to kill you!” he roared, jumping up and letting the camera fall to his towel. He shouted a quick, “I love you Haz!” over his shoulder before tearing off after whoever had drenched him. Harry assumed it was Louis.

A few seconds later a hand appeared in the shot and the camera was picked up to reveal Liam’s face. “Hey Harry,” he smiled. “Niall left this on so I thought I’d just say hello. He really misses you. He has this picture of you, it’s all worn and crumpled and I think he said it’s from your first date, that he keeps taped to his bed in every single hotel we’ve been to. He always gives it a little kiss before he goes to bed and whispers, ‘Night Haz.’ It’s actually the most precious thing I’ve ever seen. Louis teases him about it constantly, but I think it’s cute. You guys are an adorable couple. I know how happy you make him so please don’t hurt him. It would crush me to see him upset.”

Liam glanced up and Harry watched as the camera was removed from his hand. Niall’s face returned and he was grinning as he plopped back down on the towel.

“Louis’ an annoying little fuck,” Niall giggled but Harry could see he didn’t mean that. “Anyway Haz, a week and a half until I’m home. I can’t wait.”

Niall blew a kiss, “Miss you baby. See you soon.”


For the next week, there was an odd lack of videos from Niall. Harry spent every minute of the day checking his phone, waiting for an update or a picture or anything really. He grew more worried as the seconds dragged on and he almost went as far as calling Niall’s mum to make sure she hadn’t heard anything about Niall’s untimely death.

By the time a video finally rolled in, the day before Niall was to return, Harry was so relieved that he didn’t care what the message said. As long as it was proof that Niall was all right.

Harry knew something was wrong the second he opened the video. Niall’s eyes were red-rimmed and there were a few tears tracking down his cheeks. His bottom lip was nearly bitten through and it was clear that something was bothering him.

Harry wanted to dive through the screen, wanted to pull the trembling boy closer to him and promise the blonde that everything would be okay.

And then Niall spoke.

“H-hey babe,” he tried to smile but ended up choking out a sob instead. “Harry, I screwed up. I fucking screwed up and I’m so fucking sorry and I just love you so much but I understand if you don’t love me anymore. Harry I’m sorry.”

The blood in Harry’s veins turned to ice and he paused the video, his breathing going sporadic. He didn’t need to watch anymore of it to know what had happened.

Niall had cheated on him.

The only question was with who.

Harry’s money was on Louis.

“It was a mistake Harry, I swear. A stupid mistake that I will never make again. I-I kissed Louis.” Harry hated himself for being right. “It happened the day of my last video, the day from the beach. We got back to the hotel and the two of us went down to the pool and–” Niall choked back a sob. “I don’t know how it happened Harry. One second we were trying to drown each other and the next his tongue was in my mouth. I-I just…” Niall looked into the camera with blue eyes so devastated one would have thought the world was ending. “I’m so fucking sorry Harry. I haven’t made a video since because I-I couldn’t pretend it didn’t happen. I couldn’t act like everything was the same. I haven’t talked to Louis since then. He’s tried to apologize but I don’t want to hear it.” Niall’s breath caught in his throat, “I cheated on you Harry.” He brushed a rough hand across his eyes, “I love you so much and you’re the best thing that ever happened to me and I went and kissed another guy back when he came on to me. I j-just thought you should know. In case you don’t want to come meet me at the airport tomorrow. I don’t blame you if you hate me.”

Niall’s bottom lip quivered and he whispered his last words so softly that Harry barely caught them, “I hate me.”

"Hey Babe" *Narry* (by my1dslash.tumblr.com)Where stories live. Discover now