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“Hey babe,” there was a cheeky glint in Niall’s eyes and Harry couldn’t help but grin. “Guess where I am?”

The camera slowly slid down, revealing Niall’s vest top clad torso and his baggy shorts until it eventually rested on his Surpa covered feet. He was standing on what appeared to be gray concrete and Harry ran a hand through his curls, his mind running through Niall’s itinerary as he tried to place where his boyfriend was.

“I’m in Arizona,” the camera panned slightly and Harry saw, carved into a lighter gray slab, the word Arizona. The camera went back to focusing on Niall’s feet and Harry watched as the blonde jumped sideways a bit, landing just over a line that Harry hadn’t noticed at the edge of the video. “Now I’m in Utah.” He jumped again, “Now Colorado.” He jumped again, “Now I’m in New Mexico.” He jumped one more time, then brought the camera back up to his face. There was a wide grin on his lips, “Now I’m in Arizona again.”

Harry laughed delightedly. Four states in less than twenty seconds; Harry had to admit it was impressive.

“Hey Lou?” Niall’s blue eyes were focused somewhere beyond the camera. “Can you come over here and take a video of me standing in all four states?”

The picture shook as the camera changed hands. Louis took a few steps back so Harry could see Niall’s full body in the shot and he watched as he boyfriend got on all fours, beaming as he stuck his left hand in Arizona, his right hand in Utah, his right foot in Colorado, and his left foot in New Mexico.

“Stay there,” Louis began to walk in a circle, attempting to get a shot of Niall from every angle. “How does it feel to be in four states at one time? Conflicting?”

“It feels the same as if I was in one state,” Niall tried to crane his neck so he could see the video camera, but Louis had moved behind him.

Harry fumed as Louis began to zoom in on Niall’s butt, which was sticking slightly in the air. “Enjoying the view Harry?” Louis asked cheekily before calling to Niall, “Your butt looks great love.”

Niall shot up and ran over, snatching the camera from Louis. “Don’t look at my butt,” he faked a glare, but broke down into giggles the second Louis looked at him. “Thanks for your help Lou.”

“No problem,” Louis reached over as if to ruffle Niall’s hair, but he stopped with his hand hovering just above the blonde strands. “Oh sorry, I forgot.”

“It’s okay,” Niall gave him a smile before telling Louis he would meet them at the bus in a few minutes. Harry’s eyes strayed to Niall’s blonde hair, which seemed to be bleached a bit lighter from all the time spent in the American sun.

“I got your email the other day,” Niall looked just as happy as Harry imagined he would. “That was a nice surprised, thank you so much Harry. I don’t mind that you just went to London, it was really nice to see your face. Josh’s too, but mostly yours.”

“You can go over to my flat whenever you want if you’re going to clean,” Niall teased. “Thanks for watering the plant. I meant to tell you about it before I left but I completely forgot. And thanks for finding that jumper for me. I’ve been looking everywhere.”

“Oh and you looked really hot in my snapback. You can keep that. Definitely. I have a few of your beanies here with me, but it’s been way too hot to wear them. I wore one to bed a couple of nights ago and Liam’s still teasing me about it,” Niall stuck out his lip defiantly. “But it reminds me of you and I like it.”

“It’s been a while since I sent you one of these, so we have a bunch to catch up on. We went to Texas. We got to go to a rodeo, which was pretty cool. There were horses and bull riding and cowboys. I got you a cowboy hat even though I know you said you didn’t want one. I couldn’t resist. We went to this amazing bar-b-que when we were in Texas and I had the most amazing ribs ever. I just wish you were there to kiss away the sauce on my face. I had to use a napkin,” Niall made a pouty face. “Napkins aren’t as fun as your tongue.”

“Then we went to Arizona and went to the Grand Canyon. I would have sent you a video from there, but we got to ride donkeys into the canyon and I was afraid I would drop the camera if I used it. Dave got tons of pictures through so I’ll send some to you. You remember Dave right?” Niall absentmindedly ran his hands through his hair, causing the blonde strands to stick up. Harry thought he looked extremely sexy like that. He wished he could tell the other boy what was on his mind. “He’s the group leader. Anyway, he took a bunch of pictures of us standing at the top and then some pictures of us actually riding the donkeys. I’ll send you those as soon as I finish recording this message.”

“We’re off to Cali next. I want to try surfing. Louis and Liam both know how, so they promised to teach me. I don’t think I’ll be very good, but it sounds fun. After California there isn’t much left. I’ll be home before you know it.” Niall smiled encouragingly, but Harry could see the deep homesickness in his blue eyes. “I miss you. Tell Anne and Gemma and Robin I said hello and that I’m having a great time. Also let your mum know that I’m incredibly excited for her welcome home meal. I love her cooking.”

“It’s been so long since I’ve kissed you that I’m kind of afraid I’ll forget how to.” Niall looked sheepish, “So please don’t be mad at me if I suck. Also, remember how I said I wanted to go to a football game when I got back? I changed my mind. Football can wait. I just want to spend a whole day in bed with you, making up for all the kisses we missed. And all the talking. I miss your voice and your stupid stories.”

“Remember that day, right after we had first starting going out, where you came over to get the hoodie you left at my house and we ended up pitching a tent in the living room and spending the whole day in it? I miss things like that. Stupid, weird things that just remind me of you.” Niall winked cheekily, his tone taking a bright turn as he giggled, “We had some great sex in that tent.”

Niall’s eyes drifted and he seemed to be concentrating on something in the distance before his eyes snapped back to the camera. “Sorry Haz, I gotta go. Lou’s calling me over to the bus. I love you babe. See you soon.”

The video died and Harry sighed, thumbing opening the pictures that Niall had sent him. He went through them and found his favorite, one of Niall hugging his bored looking donkey, and changed it to his background.

Then he shoved Niall’s snapback further down over his curls and hugged his arms around himself, inhaling the smell of Niall that clung to the hoody he had nicked from his boyfriend.

Less than a month.

He could do this.

"Hey Babe" *Narry* (by my1dslash.tumblr.com)Where stories live. Discover now