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“Hey babe,” Harry giggled slightly, pleased with himself for turning their little game around. It was his turn to do the talking now. He steadied the camera in front of him and grinned when he though how happy Niall would be to see his message. “I went to London today, so I decided to make you a message.”

“Correction,” Josh bounced over and placed his hands on Harry’s shoulders, leaning in towards the camera. “I dragged him out of his bed, forced him into clothes, and made him come to London with me. He’s done nothing but mope since you left.”

Harry didn’t argue, instead just shrugged sheepishly, “I’m pining.”

“You’re being pathetic is what you’re doing,” Josh rolled his eyes fondly, then went back to addressing the camera. “But I finally got him out of the house. Hope you’re having fun in America Ni. We miss you.”

“We miss you loads and loads,” Harry supplied. “I think you’re supposed to be on your way to Texas today, so I hope you have a ton of fun. Please don’t bring me back a cowboy hat.”

Josh laughed, “Mate I think you just sealed the deal. You are most definitely getting a cowboy hat.”

Harry smiled sheepishly, “Anyway since Josh kidnaped me and brought me here, I figured I’d leave you a video. I know you’ve been to London a million times and I don’t really have too much to say, but I thought maybe you’d like to see my face.”

 “And mine,” Josh popped back into the frame. “Mostly mine. Harry’s all right, but I know you’ve been missing this,” Josh poked himself in the cheek. “Don’t lie.”

“Shut up,” Harry laughed and shoved his friend with one hand, pushing him out of the shot. “Niall misses me more.” He bit his bottom lip and stared at the camera with wide green eyes, “Right Ni?”

“Of course he misses you more idiot,” Josh laughed and ruffled Harry’s curls as he ducked back into the view of the camera. “He loves you,” Josh teased in a sing-song voice, laughing at the way Harry’s cheeks flushed red. “Seriously Haz, you guys have been dating for what? Two years? And you still have doubts?”

“Three,” Harry murmured softly. “And I don’t know, I’m just afraid he’ll find someone better.”

“Didn’t you say a few videos ago he was worried about you finding someone better?” Josh tugged on one of Harry’s curls. “You two are silly. You’re perfect for each other. Stop being so insecure.”

“Fine,” Harry huffed. “Can we go on the London Eye?”

Josh made a face, “Why? I mean, I guess we can, but it’s just going to be full of tourists.”

“It’ll make a cool shot,” he gestured towards the camera. “And Niall loves the view from up there.”

“All right,” Josh began to walk away and Harry scrambled after him, making faces at the camera as he pushed through the crowds.

“I don’t really have that much to say,” he ran his fingers through his curls and shrugged sheepishly. “I just wanted to surprise you with a video. I haven’t done much since you’ve been gone. Just moped around like Josh said. I lie in bed and listen to sad songs and hug the teddy bear you gave me and moan about how pathetic my life is without you. Sometimes I shower. My mum told me if I didn’t leave the house this week she was going to forcibly remove me from my bed and throw it out the window. I think she put Josh up to taking me out today. I did leave the other day though. I went over to your flat and moped around in your bed instead because the pillows smell like you. Hope you don’t mind. I stole this as well.” Harry used one hand to hold the camera steady as the other unzipped his hoody to reveal Niall’s ‘Free Hugs’ tee-shirt. “Oh and this,” he reached down and unsnapped the hat that was bouncing against his hip. He tugged in on over his curls, spinning the brim to face the back and grinned. “It reminds me of you.”

Harry admired himself in a shop window, liking the way his curls peeked out from the sides of the hat. He would wear them more often, but snapbacks were Niall’s thing. Harry was more of a beanie type of guy.

“How does it look?” he asked the camera, raising an eyebrow and grinning widely. “I like it. I think I might keep it even after you come back.”

“I like the shirt too. It’s really soft. What kind of laundry detergent do you use?” Harry ran his fingers over the green tee-shirt, liking the way the fabric clung to his body. It was a bit tight on him since Niall was a size smaller, but he didn’t mind. He was pretending it was Niall hugging him instead of the shirt. “I promise I won’t give anyone free hugs though. My hugs are only for you.”

Harry glanced up for a second and noticed that he had lost Josh in the crowd. He sighed and turned his attention back to the camera, “Josh is gone. He walks too fast for his own good. Anyway, I cleaned your flat up when I was over. You left it a mess. There were clothes everywhere. I found that jumper you were looking for, the gray one that you stole from me a few months back. It was in the hall closet where you keep the towels. I thought about sending it to you but I didn’t know where exactly to send it, so I just left it on the bed. I watered that plant in your kitchen too. I’m pretty sure it’s beyond saving though. I recorded the Derby game as well, so you can watch it when you get back if you want.” Harry pushed the hat back slightly and rubbed at his head, settling in firmly over his scalp when he was done. “Yeah, that’s about it. Not sure what else there is to say. I’m really excited for you to get back. I have a countdown on my calendar. Just a month left. Ummm, my mum says hi and that she loves and misses you and hopes you’re having fun in America. She’s planning a big dinner for when you come home. Gemma says hello as well, she came to visit the other day but I just kind of moped around in my room so I didn’t see her much.”

“Well, I better get going and find Josh before he thinks I was mugged or something. You know how he gets. I’ll send you another video from the top of the ride. I don’t think we’re going to do much else, maybe shop a bit and grab something to eat. I really think Mum put Josh up to this. Anyway, I love you and I miss you more than you can imagine. Hurry back, yeah?”

Harry waved for the camera, wiggling his fingers slightly, before ending the video. He saved it and wrote himself a reminder to email it to Niall later, even though he doubted he would forget. Then he zipped up his hoody and tugged Niall’s hat further down over his curls, slipping his hands into his pockets and heading off to find Josh.

He knew today was supposed to be a way to take his mind off Niall’s absence, but as he pushed through the crowds and searched for his friend’s brown hair all he could think about was the hand that should have been tucked tenderly with his.

Harry sighed and reminded himself that in one month it would all be over. Niall would be back where he belonged and Harry would make sure the blonde never left him again. Maybe they could finally move in together. Harry had been entertaining the idea for a while, but he wasn’t sure how Niall felt about it. Yeah they’d been dating forever and Harry spent most nights at Niall’s anyway, or vice versa, but he knew that sometimes Niall liked his space. They were only nineteen and Harry knew his mother would be upset if he left home for good, but he really wanted to get his life with Niall started.

“There you are!” Josh’s voice startled him out of his thoughts and Harry glanced up to see his friend standing there with a relieved grin on his face. “I thought you got mugged or something.”

Harry laughed and made a mental note to tell Niall that his prediction had come true. Then he allowed Josh to hook his arm around his waist and drag him down the street, rambling on about the hot girl he had seen go into Nandos.

It was relaxing in a way, having something to focus on besides the ache in his heart, and he found himself thinking maybe he should get out more often.

"Hey Babe" *Narry* (by my1dslash.tumblr.com)Where stories live. Discover now