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“Hey babe,” there was a smile on Niall’s face and a pair of Mickey Mouse ears on his head. “Guess where I am.”

He paused, presumably to allow Harry to answer, and the younger boy did with an enthusiastic, “Disney World!”

“Correct!” Niall beamed. “At least I hope you’re correct. Either way, I’m at Disney World. I don’t like Florida much. It’s really hot and muggy and humid and just sticky. It’s quite icky.” Harry had noticed the heat induced red of Niall’s cheeks and the way his blonde hair was plastered to his forehead. “So cross Florida off our list of places to move in the future.”

Niall dropped down on a bench and rested the camera on his knees as he dug through the bag he had been holding. Harry enjoyed the view of the blue sky as he awaited Niall’s return. “Sorry,” Niall huffed, righting the camera so Harry could see his flushed face once again. In his hand he held another pair of Mickey ears. “These ones are for you,” he wiggled them around at bit. “So we can match. Louis wanted me to get you the Minnie ones but I thought that would be mean. He said one of us had to be the girl but I said no, we’re both boys. So we both get boy ears. I got you a postcard too; I’m gonna send it when we get back to the hotel.”

Harry glanced over at the wall behind his desk, where he had a few other postcards from Niall’s travels hanging. Each one bore the same message. I love you.

“I haven’t seen an alligator yet, which is really sad. But I think tomorrow we’re going to the Everglades. Maybe I can bring one home. Do you think I could sneak it on the plane?” Niall thought about it for a second, “Probably not. Oh well.”

“Niall!” a voice in the background screamed. Niall made a face, then glanced up at whoever it was. Harry’s money was on Louis.

He was right.

“Niall, my dearest, darlingest, Irish love. How are you?” Louis plopped himself in Niall’s lap and smacked a wet kiss off his cheek. Then he turned to the camera with a grin, “Oh you’re talking to the sexy boyfriend. Hello Harry.” Louis winked and Harry rolled his eyes. “Don’t be mad at Nialler here, but yesterday he…” a hand slapped over Louis’ mouth and shut him up.

“No Louis, please don’t tell him,” Niall’s blue eyes were begging. “He’ll get mad at me.”

Louis shoved his hand away and captured it with his own so Niall couldn’t stop him from speaking, “He loves you. It’ll be fine.”

Niall groaned and Harry grew worried. What did Niall do yesterday?

“Our favorite Irish friend here,” Louis turned and patted Niall on the head with his free hand, “isn’t too good at holding is liquor now is he?” Harry dropped his head into his hands. Once Niall got drunk he said anything and everything. What had he told them? “We aren’t old enough to drink so shhh, but last night Nialler got a bit tipsy. And you know what he decided to tell us? He gave us a very, very detailed description about your guy’s first time. Sounds like it was lovely. Especially the part where he…”

“No!” Niall ripped himself out of Louis’ grasp and shut the other boy up once again with a hand to the face. “Harry knows what happened. You don’t need to tell him.”

Louis licked Niall’s hand and the younger boy withdrew. “But I want to tell him,” Louis smirked. “Because I know how embarrassed it will make you to hear me describe the way you took him in your…”

“Shut up!” Niall screeched, his face redder than Harry had ever seen it before. “I didn’t mean to tell you guys about that. It’s none of your business. It’s between me and Harry and it was really special and I want it to stay that way so please stop talking about it. Please.  It’s ours. Not yours. So stop.”

Harry’s eyebrows jumped in surprise. Niall was usually really laid back and easy going about everything, including sex. But he seemed really worked up about this.

Louis shrugged, “I’ll stop talking about it if you want but I don’t see what the big deal is.”

“It was the best night of my life and you’re making a joke out of it,” Niall was absolutely glowering at the older boy. “And I don’t fucking appreciate that.”

Harry was touched by how defensive Niall was being. He hadn’t realized that night meant so much to the blonde. Niall had never said anything about it before. Harry was usually the sentimental one.

He paused the video for a second and thought back to their first time. In retrospect, Harry wished it had gone a lot differently. He and Niall weren’t together at the time. As a matter of fact, Harry didn’t know the blonde very well at all. He knew what he had heard; that the kid was funny and gay and a bit of a partier. They had a mutual friend in the form of Josh and it was at his party that they first met.

Harry didn’t find out until later that Niall had secretly been crushing on him for years and he felt a bit bad about their first hookup. He’d just been looking for a quick fuck and Niall had been willing. It was fun and Niall had been surprisingly good in bed, but Harry didn’t think it would amount to anything. He wasn’t sure he wanted it to amount to anything. Niall was very persistent though, and two weeks later they went out on their first date. They had been inseparable since.

Harry restarted the video.

“Sorry,” Louis quickly apologized. “Didn’t mean to press any of your buttons.”

“Can you just go away?” Niall asked softly. “I want to finish talking to Harry.”

“Course,” Louis quickly got up, but not before he gave the younger boy a long hug. “I’m sorry Niall. I really am. I didn’t realize how important it was to you. You are usually really laid back.”

“It’s okay,” Niall gave him a quick squeeze. “It’s just, he really means a lot to me and that night means a lot and I just want to keep it special. Between me and him. I wish I wasn’t such a loud mouth when I’m drunk.”

“I won’t mention it again,” Louis promised before tousling Niall’s hair and disappearing.

“Sorry for telling them,” Niall blushed as he glanced at the camera. “I didn’t mean too. I miss you a lot and I talk about you all the time. I guess drunk me was horny. Sorry.”

Harry wanted to reach through the screen and pull Niall into a searing kiss. He didn’t like being apart from his boyfriend, but he had to say this trip had taught him a lot about Niall’s hidden emotions. Niall seemed to be just as sappy as Harry was. The blonde had just done a better job of pretending not to be. He liked to act like he didn’t care about anything and Harry knew that mostly he didn’t. But he seemed to care about Harry on a whole different level than Harry had even realized. He knew Niall loved him but he liked seeing this now, more emotional side to his boyfriend. It was sweet.

“I love you Haz,” Niall offered. “And when I come home you’re wearing the mouse ears and so am I and we’re taking a picture together and making it our Christmas card. I’ve always wanted us to have a Christmas card that we send to everyone so they can see how sickeningly cute we are.” Harry liked that idea. He liked it a lot. It was just another way to show everyone that Niall was his. “Anyway, I want to go get my picture taken with Tinker Bell. Talk to you later.”

Niall stuck out his tongue and giggled before the screen went blank. Harry noticed another message on his phone and opened it to reveal a picture of Niall with Tinker Bell, his arm slung carelessly around her shoulders and his blue eyes bright. The message read ‘Tink says hi.’

Harry smiled and immediately made the picture his new phone background.

"Hey Babe" *Narry* (by my1dslash.tumblr.com)Where stories live. Discover now