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“Hey babe,” Niall’s grin was more blinding then the sun glaring off his Ray Bans. “We’re in South Carolina, Myrtle Beach I think, and I am currently whipping Louis’ ass in mini-golf.”

“I see you’ve conveniently forgotten to mention that Zayn and I are doing the same to you,” Liam’s head popped into the frame and he smiled. “Hey Harry. Niall’s told me all about you. I know I said hi to you in one other video but I didn’t get to properly introduce myself and…”

Liam’s head disappeared and Harry heard a shout of “hey!” followed by Niall’s lilting giggle. He figured his boyfriend had pushed the brown eyed boy out of the shot.

“Like I was saying, I’m beating Louis’ ass.”

The mischievous eyed boy popped his head into the shot, “Excuse me, but you are only beating me if we’re playing lowest score wins.” Louis sassily smoothed his fringe away from his face, “And I actually play highest score wins. So I’m currently kicking everyone’s asses.”

Louis winked at the camera, “Hey sexy. Did you miss me?”

Harry shook his head and pouted. He didn’t want to see Louis. He wanted Niall.

“Back off,” Niall frowned at Louis. “Hazza’s mine.”

“I’m just teasing,” Louis reached out and ruffled Niall’s hair. Harry grinned smugly when he noticed Niall ducking away from Louis’ hand. Niall didn’t really like when people other than Harry touched his hair. He had let Louis do it the other day, but Harry could see the annoyance on his face now. It made Harry feel incredibly smug. Niall was his and his alone.

“Here Lou,” the camera was shoved into Louis’ hand and Harry watched as his boyfriend’s whole body appeared in the shot. Louis trained the camera on him as Niall dropped his golf ball and lined up his shot, bending slightly at the knees as he eyed the course. Harry paused the video and took a few seconds to enjoy the view, eyes running over Niall’s baggy shorts and vest top. He looked really good. There was a hint of sunburn on the back of his shoulders and Harry had seen the same on his cheeks, but he looked happy and that was all that mattered. Niall turned around and shot Harry a thumbs up, “I’m gonna get a hole in one for you babe, okay?”

Then he turned back and tapped the ball. Louis ran after it, titling the camera so it could follow the path of the baby blue golf ball as it rolled across the green turf. Harry could see Niall’s Supra covered feet as he skipped along with his putt.

Harry held his breath as the ball ricocheted off the back wall and spun towards the hole. He could hear Niall chanting “Go ball go,” in the background and he couldn’t help but smile.

“Come on,” Niall’s feet were moving in and out of the frame and Harry knew he was jumping in place as he waited to see if the ball slipped into the hole. “Why don’t you just go home?” Niall’s voice was giggly, not angry, as he quoted Happy Gilmore. “That’s your home! Are you too good for your home?”

Harry held his breath as the ball began to slow, looking like it wasn’t going to make it. “Come on, come on,” Harry muttered, squeezing his eyes shut. He didn’t want to see what happened.

“Fuck yes!” Niall’s happy shriek had Harry’s eyes shooting open and he saw the camera was focused on Niall once again. The blonde boy was doing a happy dance, wiggling his butt and doing some weird thing with his arms that Harry didn’t really understand. But it was cute nonetheless.

Niall turned with wide open arms and Harry watched as his face absolutely fell. Worry bubbled up in Harry’s stomach and he rocked forward on his knees, blinking rapidly at the screen of his phone. “What’s wrong Niall?” he murmured desperately. “What is it?”

"Hey Babe" *Narry* (by my1dslash.tumblr.com)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant