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“Hey babe.” There was a smudge of ketchup on Niall’s upper lip and Harry desperately wished he could kiss it away. “We’re still in Baltimore. Sorry if you can’t hear me, we’re at a baseball game right now.” The camera slowly panned, showing Harry the stands full of people and the green diamond that lay below. “It makes me miss footie. First thing we’re going to do when I come home is go to a football game, okay? But you have to actually wear a jersey this time, I don’t care if it’s too cold or too hot or whatever your excuse was. You have to wear one. Then we can match.”

Niall paused for a few seconds, his eyes trained somewhere in the distance. Harry heard a roar and Niall cheered, so he figured something good must have happened. “Someone hit a home run,” Niall was back, his blue eyes twinkling. “Baseball is pretty boring but the home runs are cool. Oh and the food is great.” The camera was twisted so Harry could see the cardboard tray that rested in Niall’s lap, full of empty containers. “I had hot dogs and nachos and they were awesome.”

“Ohhh are you talking to lover boy?”

A new boy appeared in the screen as the camera was wretched out of Niall’s hand and Harry saw a pixie face with mischievous blue eyes and a feathery brown fringe. The boy beamed, “Hello. I’m Louis. Niall talks about you all the time.”

The boy settled down in a seat that Harry assumed was next to Niall’s, because he saw his boyfriend’s hand enter the shot as it reached for the camera. Louis easily batted it away and turned slightly so Niall couldn’t reach him anymore.

“Actually Niall talks so much that I don’t really listen to him, but I know that your name is Harry. That’s about all I can remember. Liam knows more, cause he has to live with Niall and he literally doesn’t shut up about you. Ever. He did show us a picture of you though.” Louis let out a low wolf whistle, “Damn boy. Niall’s cute and all, but you are freakin’ sexy. What are you doing with him?”

“Hey!” Niall protested in the background and the camera was jostled around as the two of them fought for it. It seemed as if Louis won, because it was his face that Harry saw when the picture was steadied.

Harry huffed and crossed his arms over his chest. He didn’t like Louis very much. Niall was extremely sexy.

“I’m just kidding,” Louis laughed. “Niall’s gorgeous, aren’t you Ni?” The camera followed Louis’ hand as it reached out and ruffled Niall’s blonde tipped hair. “In all seriousness, Niall seems to really really like you, so please don’t break his heart.”

“Give it back Lou,” Niall made a grab and finally retrieved the camera. His cheeks were stained an embarrassed pink and he chuckled lightly, “Umm I may talk about you a bit.”

“You’re all he talks about,” Louis’ head poked back into the frame. “Harry this, Harry that. Harry loves when I wear this shirt. Harry likes bananas. Harry thinks clothes are stupid. None of you are as good at cuddling as Harry is.” Louis’ voice was laced with sarcasm, but Harry couldn’t keep a brilliant smile off his own face. Knowing Niall talked about him all the time made him feel really good. He was constantly afraid that Niall was going to forgot about him, was going to fall for one of the other boys or find something in America that he liked more than Harry. Hearing any sort of reassurance that Niall was still his, even if it came in the form of an incredibly annoying British kid, made Harry happy beyond belief.

Niall laughed and pushed Louis’ head out of the frame, focusing in so it was just his own bright face beaming back at Harry.

“Louis’ just jealous,” Niall giggled. “He says it’s not fair that I get to run around the world and still know that the sexiest guy ever is waiting for me back at home.” Niall’s voice dropped, “I’m not sure if he completely understands how hard it is for me to be away from you all the time. But it was my choice so I’m not allowed to complain.” His voice rose, “Anyway, I’m getting hungry again so I think I’m going to go buy more hot dogs. They’re really good.”

Harry rolled his eyes, but the happy smile never left his face. Niall’s love for food was just another quirk that made him perfect to Harry.

“Maybe I’ll get some more nachos too,” Niall scrunched up his nose in thought. “And a soda. I’m not old enough to drink beer here,” he made a pouty face. “That’s the second thing we’re doing when I come home. Getting a pint. Football game, then a pint. Actually no. First I’ll meet you at the airport and I’ll come out of the gate and you’ll be standing there looking all pretty with your hands in the pockets of your really tight black jeans that I love and your curls everywhere and you’ll be staring at the ground. Then you’ll look up really slowly, almost as if you can sense me, and you’ll see me and you’ll smile really big and I’ll throw my bags down and run at you. Then you’ll catch me when I jump on you and you’ll laugh and tell me you missed me and I’ll say the same. Then I’ll snog you senseless. Then footie.” Niall laughed, “Love you Haz.”

As the screen went blank Harry made a mental note to find the jeans Niall was talking about. He wanted their reunion to be perfect.

"Hey Babe" *Narry* (by my1dslash.tumblr.com)Where stories live. Discover now