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Harry swiped his finger across his phone, opening the new video message from Niall. His boyfriend’s face popped up, his big blue eyes looking nearly green from underneath the brim of his hat. Niall grinned and Harry had to pause the video so he could blink away his tears. He missed Niall so much.

Once he reined in his emotions he pressed play again, watching as Niall’s smile grew brighter.

“Hey babe. It’s seven at night here. I’m at the train station, on my way to…” a loud burst of laughter sounded in the background and Niall trailed off, turning his head and giggling with his friends. He seemed to forget about his message for a second, shouting something about pasta that had the entire train station echoing with laughter.

A new person entered the video and the intense amount of Facebook stalking Harry had done led him to believe this new boy was Liam.

“Zayn’s about to kill Louis,” Liam laughed as he grabbed Niall’s arm and began tugging on the smaller boy. “We need to go save him.”

“Not again,” Niall let out a good natured giggle and allowed Liam to drag him across the station. “We’re off to Washington DC tonight. It’ll be our first stop, so I’m really excited. I’ll talk to you later Haz. Love you.” There were a few more seconds of laughter and a rather blurry shot of a dark haired boy being pulled away from a smirking brunette before the message ended. Harry continued to stare at his phone, waiting for something more. That was it? That was all Harry got?

Harry groaned and threw his phone across the room, flopping onto his stomach as he buried his face in his crossed arms. Niall had only been gone for two days and already Harry was miserable. But Niall didn’t seem to be feeling the same way.

He looked happy. So ridiculously happy that Harry couldn’t even find it in himself to be mad at the Zayn, Liam, and Louis kids that he was spending all his time with. Harry was jealous – of course he was – but it was hard to be upset when Niall was giggly. Harry slowly got up and retrieved his phone so he could replay the short message. He watched it through, then rewound it so he could hear Niall say that he loved him again. He continued to do that for a few minutes, letting Niall’s ‘love you’ wash over him until he fell into a fitful sleep.

"Hey Babe" *Narry* (by my1dslash.tumblr.com)Where stories live. Discover now