Going To Do This

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Alright alright! I'll post 3 updates this week just because I can't wait to introduce this new guy! Love y'all!!!

I took a deep breath, brushing my bangs out of my face as I exited the makeup and hair trailer. My team had left about fifteen minutes ago, but I had needed to finalize a few things. Locking the trailer, I moved towards my own personal trailer, my mind wandering.

It was my second day on set, and while filming hadn't started yet, all the details still had to be ironed out before we could. It was hectic, but I loved every second of it.

Unlocking my trailer door, I stepped in, setting my fairly large pile of papers on the table. It was a small trailer, but I didn't expect a giant place at all.

Frankly, I didn't want one.

There was a twin sized bed, enough cabinets for all the things I had brought, a small fridge, and a microwave. I even had a shower, attached to the water tanks that the rest of the trailers were. It was all I needed, and all I wanted. There was enough space for me to spread out and relax, but not more room than I needed.

Sitting on my bed, I laid out the plans I had worked on for the season to come. My team had fully agreed with my plan for me to focus on Scott and Kirstin, unless they both needed work at the same time. I had explained how we were all a team, and while I was the "head", I didn't want to make all the decisions myself. I wanted their opinions, their ideas, everything.

And it had been wonderful, truly. I had all worked on brilliant ideas for the monsters, for certain scenes. Now I just had to organize it before getting it all to Avi and the directors.

As I laid out the papers, running my eyes over the sketches, notes, and scribbles, a knock sounded on my door. I pouted, wondering who would want me at 7 at night, before calling, "Come in!"

I perked up to see Kirstin step in, a large smile on her face. "Hey, you busy?" She asked, closing the door.
"Not really," I replied, raising an eyebrow. "I can finish this tomorrow morning...why?"

"Scott and I are going out tonight," she said, her smile growing if it was possible. "And I figured I'd invite you!"
I laughed softly, shaking my head. "Thanks for inviting me, but you two have fun."

"No, really, come with us!" She cried, moving towards me. "You've been busier than either of us, you need a break."

Sighing, I looked at the papers, realizing that it might not be bad to see the city of Vancouver a little bit.
Looking back at Kirstin, I asked, "Where are you two going?"

"Just a restaurant," Kirstin told me.
Sighing, I nodded. "You know, I could relax a little."

"Yes!" She cried, before moving back out of my trailer. "Okay- we're leaving in ten minutes. Be ready!"

I laughed as the door shut, shaking my head with a smile on my face.


"If you need anything else, just let me know," the waitress said, before walking away.

"At least they have burgers" I commented.

"David said this place was one of the best," Kirstin agreed.

"At least the beer's good," Scott piped up, sipping his glass.

I laughed, nodding. "And I'm glad I convinced us to take a cab here and back."

"That I am extremely happy for!" Kirstin cried, making us all laugh.

"I'm glad you could come with us," Scott said then, looking at me across the table.

"I'm glad I could too," I replied, smiling. "I think we all needed this."

"With how busy we're going to be eventually, I second that," Kirstin said, raising her glass.

"I still can't believe we're actually filming a show," I muttered. "It's hard to believe," Scott agreed, nodding. "But I think it's gonna be great."

"No thinking here," Kirstin disagreed, shaking her head with a smile on her lips. "It is going to be amazing. Because we're a team."

"We are a team," I said, raising my glass. "Some of us are missing...but we're all going to do this."

Scott's eyes met mine, a soft smile on his lips as he raised his glass to tap mine. "We are."


"You went out with them last night?" Nicole asked.

I sighed, shaking my head. "Can we focus?"

"Oh, we are," Chester commented. "Just not on the makeup and hair."

"How close are you with Kirstin and Scott?" Jenni asked, leaning on the table.

Sighing, I shrugged. "Not long, but a while," I told them. "They're good people, and...we're all friends."

"You sure?" Jake pushed.

I sighed, looking between them all. "Okay, the more we get to know each other, the more we can get into our personal lives, deal?"

"Deal," Chester piped up. "I have a long distance model boyfriend living in France currently."

Candice perked up, leaning forward. "Does he have any non-gay friends?"

"Oh, plenty," he replied, smiling. "Why?"

"We can do this later," I interrupted. "Right now we have a meeting to get to."

They all sighed, standing as I smiled. "Now they'll all will wonder why we're late," Jenni commented.

"Yes, and yet still move on with the meeting," I replied, all of us filing out of the trailer and making our way to the lot.

"There you are," Avi said, moving towards you. "We were starting to worry."

"And by 'we' you mean 'you'," I replied, smiling. "Sorry, we got caught up."

Avi chuckled, walking with me towards the crowd. Looking over the people gathered, I could see Kirstin and Scott in the mix, which didn't surprise me. They were fairly tall. Well Scott was naturally. Kirstin was wearing heels to try to match Scott's height.

But as I looked over the crew I hadn't met, my eyes stopped on one person. Someone who made my heart stop, my blood run cold, and my nerves freeze.

I stared at the man, feeling the shaking in my hands start. "Mitch?" Nicole asked, stopping by my side, and catching Avi's attention at the same time.

"Something wrong?" Avi asked.
I took a shaky breath, feeling my stomach clench as the man looked over at me. "Avi...is that man's name Ralph Bryans?"

He looked at the man my eyes were locked on, before saying, "Yeah, actually. He's one of the camera men...why?"

"Oh god," I sobbed.

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