The Team

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I swung my bag over my shoulder, moving through the airport. "Mitch! Will you hold on?"

I laughed, slowing down slightly. "Scott, we're running late!" I cried, spinning to face him.

He smiled, nodding as he moved towards me. "I know! I just called Avi."

I furrowed my eyebrows, stopping as he caught up to me. "When?"

"When you were frantically searching your bag," he told me, a smile on his lips. "There's a cab waiting for us. And he said we're technically not late."

"What? How?" I questioned. He laughed, moving again through the airport. I rushed to follow him as he said, "From what Avi said, everyone's getting here early in case anything happens."

"Huh," I commented, making Scott laugh.

I smiled as his laughter, a sound that I had heard lots in the past 3 hours. The flight had been long from LA, but sitting beside Scott, I didn't mind. We talked about lots, about living in LA, about our expectations for filming. He asked about the team I had chosen, I asked about his acting career.

Conversation with Scott was easy, smooth. Something I had never really experienced before.

Talking with Kevin was like trying to keep up with the Energizer Bunny. Talking with my old customers was like pretending to be a therapist. Talking with my old coworkers was like being back in Middle School.

But talking with Scott...was almost like breathing. I didn't have to try to force conversation to flow, or ask him time and time again to repeat the same facts. I had never been one for talking hours on end...but with Scott it didn't feel like hours.

Stepping outside of the airport, we both laughed seeing a sign not far off that read, "Styles and Scooter."

"That almost runs of the tongue," Scott commented, both of us navigating to the crowd to the taxi driver.

I laughed, nodding. "Yeah, it does, doesn't it?"


"Alright, sorry, it's kind of a mad house," Avi said, smiling as he moved towards me.

"You're fine, I expected it to be somewhat busy," I replied.

"Did you get the tour?" he asked.
Nodding, I smiled. "Yes, I took it with Scott and Kirstin actually. They wouldn't stop chatting."

Avi chuckled, moving through the lot as I followed. "Sounds like them. So, let's show you the trailers."

"The trailers?" I repeated.

"You've gotten the main tour, but I'm giving you the tour for your area," Avi told me, his smile growing.

"My area?" I asked, feeling my excitement grow.

Avi stopped in front of a large trailer, gesturing to the sign on the door. "Hair and Makeup" It read in large letters, with "Styles" underneath in smaller letters."

I laughed, glancing at my friend. "It almost felt weird not hearing it for so long."

"Well, that won't be an issue anymore," he told me. "Now, would you like to do the honors?"

I nodded, before reaching out and pushing the door, stepping inside. I gasped as I saw the equipment laid out over the large trailer, everything new and ready to be used. I slowly moved along the line, running my hand over the chairs.

There were four laid out over the trailer, the classic lighted mirrors in front of each chair. Hair supplies was laid in front of two of the chairs, makeup supplies laid out over the other two. There were tools I had only seen in magazines, colors I had mixed for years before now, and more.

"Avi," I whispered, looking back at my boss and friend. He smiled, leaning against the counter. "Only the best for you, Styles."

I laughed softly, looking back over the makeup brushes when the doors on both sides of the trailer opened.

I turned as five people walked inside, looking over the equipment with awe on their faces.

"Ah, here they are!" Avi cried, moving towards you. "Mitch, meet your new team- Chester and Nicole for makeup, and Jake, Candice, and Jenni for hair. Everyone, meet Mitch, Head of Makeup and Hair. He is your boss now."

I smiled, turning towards my team. "Hi. You can call me Styles, Little Red, or Mitch, doesn't matter to me," I said. "I cannot wait to work with you, and make this show even more amazing."

They all smiled, moving towards me. "Well, I will let you all talk and discuss," Avi said, stepping away. "Cast lunch is in two hours, and I want you all there."

I laughed softly, nodding. "Alright."
He stepped out then, letting me turn back to my team. It had been hard to choose only five resumes out of the twenty I had gotten. But when I had finally narrowed it down, I couldn't have been more thrilled.

Chester had experience on multiple lower level fantasy movies, working with makeup for different creatures. From the pictures attached, he could make any normal person look like the spawn of Satan in an hour. Which was useful.

Nicole had gone to four different beauty schools for makeup, with one year of experience in between each school.

Jake was from West Hollywood actually, but had spent tons of time in France from what I could tell. He had lots of experience with models in Paris, London, and Rome, with both hair and makeup. He was skilled in both, and would be a major asset to the team.

Candice went from cutting hair to teaching at a school, so I had no doubt she had the skill.

Jenni was trained by one of Vidal Sassoon's assistants, one of the most famous hair stylists in the community.
It was such a versatile team, I knew that Supernatural could throw anything at us, and we could take it.

Part of me still couldn't believe I was the Head of both departments. It was something I had never dreamt of, something I had never thought of really. But now it wasn't only an opportunity, but it was my life.

And I couldn't have been more happier.

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