If it weren't for her connections, he would've handed the situation to the Chancellor, who would've expelled her immediately. That was, if Chancellor Goff wasn't already in on their schemes or a part of their affiliate.

Though, that fact alone should have raised alarm bells. All that friendliness, trying to blackmail Oriane, a young defenseless girl, to their cause. It all served a higher purpose, perhaps. Uilliam simply wasn't sure what that purpose was.

Uilliam strummed his fingers on the table, the other hand looping the baton around his wrist expertly. He had been sitting in that seat, stewing on his thoughts for an hour now since his prisoner passed out.

In his mind, he tried to connect the dots, trying to separate Maeve from the equation.

Once more, his mind flashed back to the explosives underground that he couldn't clear out without informing the Rosicrucians of his activities. Perhaps they will halt his efforts before he began. Uilliam wasn't interested in wasting the Council resources. And then, there were the border anomalies – though, it was quickly becoming clear to him that these miscreants playing the evil cult were responsible for all the running around he had to do during the Summer term.

At the end of his trail of thoughts, everything came down to what these Rosicrucians wanted. In order to find out, he had to dig into their leader's mind. Perhaps even set up a meeting with him. A sure way to do just that was to suggest an exchange of the prisoner for information. Except he wasn't sure how much this Hannah was worth to her leader. If she kept her mouth closed, it was just as likely that she meant scrap to the entire cult. Their leader could simply refuse to share.

The alternative was that he could play into their hand: bring the girl to Hannah and see what his prisoner had to say then.

While it would appear that the Rosicrucians posed no threat to Oriane just yet, playing nice could just do the trick. One can always catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Uilliam wasn't above playing the diplomat to get what he wanted. Perhaps, amidst this confusion, he could even manipulate the Rosicrucians into raising his daevas for him – as it seemed that this, too, was an act that interested them too. Did they hope to control his creations then?

They would need to have another god on their side for that. To his knowledge, that couldn't possibly be.

Uilliam frowned. He hoped not, anyway.

Indeed, he didn't know or even considered many things until today. There were always moments in life when risk became necessary, and then there were moments where certainty was required. This instance demanded the latter.

Just in time, the door to the dungeons unlocked with a bang, where the metal bar was turned and slammed backwards. The heavy metallic barrier creaked as it opened, unveiling Gordon in his distinctive black hood and dour expression. His steps were unhurried as he descended the few steps. His boots struck noisily against the cold steel ground.

Uilliam's eyes watched him as he walked to him, regarding his associate critically.

"What is it?" he growled out.

Gordon shifted his black robes apart, revealing the clipboard he carried around with him. "Carolina has submitted the follow-up. She's getting the energy elemental to the Foci Room."

In reply, Uilliam grunted his approval and stood from his chair, coming to his full height with his arms crossed at his chest, which made his arm muscles bulge menacingly. He was half a foot taller than Gordon, and much broader too. His associate stepped back to give him room, subconsciously deferring to him for direction.

"Is there anything else?" Gordon asked.

"Yes," he answered after a moment's pause. He considered his decision. While it was crucial that he reviewed the larger picture, sometimes, it was all about making the right short-term decisions. And, although he replayed the different scenarios that could occur following this move, he knew it was one that led to the best outcome, regardless of any future ramifications. With resolution, he ordered, "Bring Miss Oriane Moore to the reception here."

Mystic High ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें