"So gonna give me my gravity back now?" Kylee says, slowly going higher and higher up with Sarah hanging by her hair in her hand.

Sarah winces and then screams in pain as she reaches up for Kylee's hand. When their hands meet, they start floating back down. Just before their feet make contact with the floor, Kylee pushes herself away by boosting herself off Sarah with her legs. Sarah hits the ground hard and sits up. Kylee lands on her feet gently. When Sarah stands up, the angel orb that Kylee had thrown just seconds before, hits her in the stomach, throwing her across the room. Kylee turns to us. Sarah stays down, probably unconscious.

A couple nurses rush into the room with a gurney and Kylee makes her way to the group. When she gets to us, she embraces me in a tight hug and we share a sweet kiss. She winces and reaches for her leg.

"Let's get that taken care of" I say to her.

She nods and I pick her up. I carry her all the way to the medical center. The nurses go to find the equipment to stitch up her leg, but when they come back they find she has already fixed it with her healing powers.

Kylee falls asleep in her bed and find myself feeling exhausted as well, so I end up giving into sleep, right there, in the chair by her bed.

When I wake up, Kylee is already awake and she's reading. She immediately notices that I'm awake.

"Joel, it's time to go through the portal now" she says awardly.

I can tell she's terrified just from the sound of her voice.

We both get ready and and start towards the lobby, where the portal is opened. As soon as we get there, we realize how big the crowd really is. We'll never find our friends in this big group, but we don't need to find them, because they find us.

"Kylee! Joel! Over here!" Kaitlyn calls from a couple feet away.

We follow her to the rest of the group to watch this process happen, and soon, join it. Some staff members go first, then the students start shuffling in. One by one, and finally, it's our turn. Adam is in front, so he walks in first. Next is Damon, then Kaitlyn, Jackson, and Kameron. Kylee is in front of me, but she holds my hand and we walk in together.

I start to feel dizzy, and very confused. I have the feeling I get right before I go under on that laughing gas stuff at the dentists office. I don't see anyone, just swirls of color, but I can hear yelling, and conversations. A bright light, comes into sight. I get closer and eventually go right through. As I recover from the weird high I had just experienced, I notice palm trees and I can hear waves, then I turn around. A vast ocean. I'm standing on soft white sand. I turn to face the other direction. Tall trees, a lot of them, not just palm trees though. Then I realize all the students standing around me and the numerous students still popping out of the portal. I see my group standing under a tree, so I run over to them.

"We are gonna do something right?" I ask, looking right at Damon, our team leader.

"Yeah, but not right now. We need to wait until more is going on. Until everyone is more busy and distracted. We also need more information, like when and where are we meeting these people" he replies back.

He must've thought this out pretty well.

*1 hour later*

Finally, all the students have made it through the portal. Everyone settles into tents that are 3 to a tent. Damon, Jackson, and I share one. Kylee, Clara, and Kaitlyn share another, and I just don't know where Adam and Kameron are. A girl walks around the small camp saying weird words and making weird movements with her arms and hands.

"That's Meredith, she's a spell caster. She's using charms that hide our camp. Like illusions" he informs me.

"Why can't Marianna do that?" I ask curiously

"Because she would have to stay awake all night, which I don't plan on doing, so go to sleep" he says, kinda aggravated.

So for the second time in a day, because of exhaustion, I lay down and let go.

I hope this story is getting more exciting and people are enjoying it more. As always please leave opinions, ideas, and a list of my mistakes. Bye!

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