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Dont kill me I just thought Id make this...

small announcement? illjustgetonwithit

IT HAS COME TO MY ATTENTION that some of you guys are confused and iv gotten messages on other places where I have posted this saying its a bit rushed so Id explain?

*cough* lets begin.

My story has lapsed over the course of almost a year. So Id like to remind you that the events in chapter 10 and 11 happen almost a YEAR AFTER THE ONES IN 9. Its not rushed, you just don't pay attention. 

As for the reason he is pregnant. I actually have a valid reason. Sense the mystreet world has been proven to have magic and potions that can change gender and/or species It is HIGHLY possible that this could happen.

Zane got turned into a female for a week. Travis, being the flirty little nugget he is, managed to get Zane to do the do on the second night of being a female. It takes about a week for the whole...impregnation process to happen [according to my research I might be wrong] that gives Zanes body just enough time to start growing the baby. Now for the whole...female to male thing.

When Zane turned back into a male, the effects didn't entirely go away, due to Zane's body realizing that there is infact a growing lifeform inside of him. The potion ends up keeping its effects on the internal organs of Zane's body, meaning he still has the womb and all the required organs to grow a baby. The only problem is well...the potion didn't keep its effects on the outer parts of his body. Meaning he is biologically male...down...there.

Dont get your hopes up though fangirls. The potions effects finally go away after the baby has been safely removed from the body. Finally returning Zane to his normal self.

Now that explains that.

Another thing is....Have you guys ever wanted to meet me? like...I know you guys read what im typing and all, but I know what screw it. Come meet me, the author here in this Chatzy chat room! You dont need any sign up so you can just hop in and chit-chat with me about...well anything that has to do with this story or....well it doesnt actually matter im just a lonely little butt.


Leave it to me to actually forget the link --->

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