A love equation

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[4/5/16] 11:18 PM

Effort. Effort. Action.

Without effort, your action means nothing. There will be no outcome, no pleasure, nothing. Zero. Nada. Your action equals bullshit. Quote me on that. But without any action, effort is nothing more than uttered words. Those sweet words, commonly called 'sweet nothings', put together beautifully; like fake flowers in a green garden, just to sweeten people's sights, but guess what? It was never and will never be real flowers, will it?

Effort results in action. Whether it took you an hour to buy a shirt and gift it the next day or it took you days and weeks to plan a small dinner date- you will and have to gift that shirt, or execute that little date idea that's been dancing around your head, it in the end.

Not to prove your partner, not to please your partner, but to pay yourself back. What you have done will not matter to other people if it doesn't matter to you. If you think otherwise, if you think that you're not enough and what you do means zero, then it will be nothing. You're just wasting your time baking a celebratory cake or spending 50 dollars on a shirt, but if those things in your head means otherwise, then it will be otherwise.

People say 'love means sacrificing', then I have another question, sacrifice what?

Does a guy who spends his money to buy an engagement ring means you he loves his someone? But what if he bought another girl a sexy dress to wear on their dinner date the next night? Does that mean sacrificing?

Not to mention, dignity. Here's another short story I planted made up earlier: will you say there's love or something is love when a husband cheats on his wife by sleeping with is sister-in-law? And then since he loves his wife that much, he's willing to throw his dignity and kiss her ass back in front of his family and friends? Is that what you call love?

But I'm not here to talk about sacrifices in marriage problems. That's the least of my concern at this age. I care about my relationship, not just with a specific person, but to everyone I believe is special. Yes, problems come and go just like people. However, does that mean you have to prove yourself and what you are capable of, to the person you love, just so you know they love you?

Is that how love works?

Making you prove and work and provide an outcome to the group of people or to a certain someone just to keep them from not loving you?


a/n: hi peeps! here's a new one, sorry for the delay. i'm hoping i can post back on schedule starting two more weeks since next week i have 4 days of super duper serious exams. but then i'll start finding more inspirations and start writing again! seriously, writing this sort of things are one out of few things that keeps me sane. im srs.

anyways, if yall have Instagram, go ahead and follow my writing account it's @excerptsaboutyou on instagram! it's public so just comment if you want me to follow you back, i post there daily so there's where you can find me x

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