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[14/02/16] 10:34 PM

When you love someone, you love them. You don't state it every 5 minutes, you don't flaunt it to other people that you're so madly in love with someone, and you just don't talk about it every single second. You just simply love them.

Loving someone is a gratitude– it's a feeling that not everyone can enjoy so easily. And I'm so grateful to be able to have that right now, with you. But at the same time, you make is so hard. Loving is not hard, it's rather easy; but when you make someone prove that they love you, when you keep bringing up their past histories, it hurts.

Ed Sheeran said that, 'Loving can hurt,' and I live by that. It hurts every single time you say, 'Prove it.' Prove what? I don't know how, I don't know how you expect me to act– but hell, I love you.

There isn't a line or boundary on loving someone. You can't simply measure your love for someone like you measure the length of time you work on a novel.

And the thing is, you also can't compare it to the way you love someone previously and how they love you now. Now is now, it's not yesterday, it's not tomorrow, it's here. Right now. Right at this very moment.

Here's a question I ask myself all the time about you; Do I love you? Yes. Do I need you? Yes.

So, there it is. The 3 words that I've been dreading for you to believe. Do you believe it? Do you trust me?

It's your time to answer me. 


a/n: hiii. here's another one i wrote just a few mins ago w/ the help of my bae, nit! thanks babe u helped me a lot. and this one's pretty emotional to write because it is exactly how love works. 

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