Chapter 7- Women

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It was a little past midnight.

The birds were asleep, the world laying down with their loved ones and resting until the start of a new day. However, this night I would not sleep. I would not rest until I fixed something within this city...until I destroyed the evil that lingers here on the streets. I dressed in a silver silk long dress that Takeda bought me. I found a shawl and some sheer looking material in the closet and continued my dress up game. I twisted the sheer material into a headdress to hide my hair, placing Naruto's Anbu mask on my face. I was ready.

I left a shadow clone to sleep in my bed, exiting out the large window in my room here in the Miyamoto estate. I concealed my presence from the few guards that were stationed around the building, making my way into the poorer district. I hid and watched, looking around for any opportunity to fix the broken social status of these human beings. Just as I was about to turn away and head elsewhere, I heard a woman's cry.

"Don't come near me! Don't touch me! I don't wanna go back!" I heard the panicked woman scream. I quickly ran towards the scene to see a bar of some sorts. The woman was being dragged into the bar, a roar of men and crying women inside.

"What the hell?" Without a moment to lose, I casted a genjutsu on myself to have the blue aura that Hani helped describe for me. I dove into this opportunity and broke through the bar. Everything stopped, the men stared at me, the women crying in the corner. The women were in nothing but their underwear, revealing that the bar was just a cover for the truth...a brothel. The women were bruised and battered, beaten with fearful looks on their faces. I walked towards the women, the men staring at me as I made my way towards them. It looked like a group of seven or eight young women that were captured for these men's enjoyment.

With the way these men were staring at me, I prayed silently to myself that the genjutsu was working...considering I see through genjutsus.

" that.. ?" One of the men called out. Yep, it's working. Thank god. I guarded the women from the men, staring at the crowd of thirty or so men in the area.

"Hey you! What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"You will not hurt these women anymore." My genjutsu double voice spoke. They looked frightened a bit and the women stared wide eyed.

"W-who are you?!" I stalked forward, making myself seem larger than I was. I forced blue electric chakra to both of my palms...the chidori. The perverted men were walking backwards, afraid.

" can't that the Fox Moon Spirit?" One of the men gasped. They must have been in realization and began running towards the door. I created a clone to block the doorway so I could get my final message across.

"If you harm another woman again, I will kill you." The men fell to their knees on the ground.

"Never again!! We swear!! We swear!!" The clone disappeared and the men left as fast as possible. The women behind me were crying and shaking, absolutely terrified.

"It is all going to be okay. I will help you." One of the women looked a little familiar. I let it go and teleported us to the lake just outside of the city. I spent my time helping to wash the dirt off of these young women, using the little healing jutsus I knew to help these girls.

"Why...why are you helping us?" One girl asked. She must have been about fifteen. My stomach twirled up in a knot with disgust. I don't know what that girl must have experienced being sold in a brothel like that.

"I rely on the moon for my women need someone to help you you can rely on your own. You've been told your whole life that you can only sit. I am here to show that you may stand and run as fast as the wind may carry you." The women were in awe of me and it made me feel good knowing I helped them. I needed to use my power as a ninja and influence as royalty to help these women become an equal. They are treated so poorly here...even I had my voice stolen...but with this spirit, I was able to help. I was able to do good for the world.

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