Not quite, Taehyung wanted to say but he refrained himself from doing so. “Yes,” he replied simply expecting a simple “Oh”.

What he didn’t expect was the next question. “Has…has hyung… kissed…” Jungkook’s voice slowly began to lower in volume. Taehyung raised his eyebrows and saw Jungkook’s fingers fiddling with his red muffler.

“No,” he said, “I haven’t.” Jungkook began to light up. “In fact,” he teased, “I’m waiting to kiss you.” With this, he made kissing faces towards Jungkook.

The younger cringed but laughed. “Hyung,” he pouted and hid his face in the yellow and white sushi plush.

11: 07 p.m.
The clock read.
30 December.
The calendar read.

Taehyung tossed and turned in his bed. He had a good birthday that year. Receiving lots of love and messages from his friends and family made him more than happy. But he wasn’t satisfied.

It wasn’t that he wanted Jungkook to wish him a happy birthday. Besides, Jungkook did wish him that morning; with Jin and the other children he met. So what was bothering him now?

He sat up on his bed ruffling his hair. Then, even in the dark, his eyes caught sight of a very shabbily made red paper plane.

His mind immediately knew what he wanted at that moment. And that was Jeon Jungkook. Slipping on a black hoodie over his head, he quietly made his way to the door and closed the door behind him.

Jungkook hadn’t fallen asleep yet because he slept loads that afternoon. So when he heard his door knock in the middle of the night, he didn’t think of ghosts or monsters that would normally be in the mind of other children. He was happy to open to it.

To his surprise, he saw a clump of pink hair waddle across him, making his way to the bed lazily.

“Hy… Hyung,” he muttered out, his voice raising a pitch higher. It came to his notice that the older was in his pajamas.

Taehyung mumbled out, “mmmm.” Jungkook closed the door and walked up to him. Shaking the boy in the bed, he asked him what he was doing in a stuttering voice.

“Kookie-ah,” Taehyung said without opening his eyes. Suddenly, Jungkook felt himself being pulled down to the bed beside Taehyung.

“Hyung,” he whispered, his face beginning to become hot again.

“Sleep with me tonight,” Taehyung simply said and positioned himself to the pillow, dragging Jungkook along with him. Jungkook only whimpered and kept quiet. Finding the most comfortable position, Taehyung let out a long “mmmm” and snuggled his nose into Jungkook’s hair.

“Hyung,” Jungkook whispered again. But there was no reply. Carefully feeling the bed for the covers, he wrapped themselves up and decided to let the hyung do what he wanted. Mostly because he didn’t really mind it as well.

Jungkook listened to the clock tick by. But his eyelids weren’t getting any heavier. So he whispered for his hyung again. Still no reply.

Pushing Taehyung’s chest away cautiously, he looked up to Taehyung’s face. Still sleeping.
He wriggled like a worm up to Taehyung’s face and poked the elder’s cheeks. Jungkook giggled silently to see that Taehyung was pouting in his sleep.

“Hyung,” he whispered again and poked the cheeks again. Realizing that there would be no reaction whatsoever, he pulled in close to Taehyung’s face.

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