chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Sixteen years

Jungkook missed his hyung terribly. He missed how Taehyung would smile whenever they exchanged glances. He missed how his slender and slim fingers would press and slide across the prettily colored paper and create it into something absolutely marvelous. And he most definitely missed how the older would just ruffle his hair whenever they were together doing anything.

Not knowing what to do with these feelings, Jungkook pulled a lock of his hair with his hands. He wanted to see Taehyung. But he couldn’t. Because he had hurt him. He scratched his hyung’s face and hurt hyung. So the fragile boy leaned on the cool glass window, feeling more dejected than usual. He wanted to cry. And he did.

Taehyung was feeling equally down. And not even the thought of the upcoming school festival could cheer him up. He was, in truth, planning to invite his parents along with Jungkook but now that plan seemed impossible.

His dad had work to do that day and since Jungkook wasn’t talking to him, well, he didn’t want to go anymore.

Namjoon noticed his friend’s depressing aura and asked what was wrong. Taehyung simply said ‘personal problems’ and brushed him off.

“You know,” Namjoon said, trying to cheer him up.

“Hoseok’s got a crush.”

Taehyung decided to pay attention to Namjoon. It was better than moping around, only thinking about the weak hearted boy back home. Noticing that he had attained his attention, Namjoon continued.

“She’s a senior. Her name’s Park Yoona. You know, the student council vice president or something.”

“Is he serious?” Taehyung commented hinting the obvious impossibility of the idea. “She’s way out of his league!”

“Exactly,” Namjoon laughed and joined in. “She’s way too nice to date Jung Hoseok.”

They would’ve felt bad not supporting their friend but this was a given; insulting each other and bringing each other down whenever required. And besides, it wasn’t like they weren’t supporting him. They were just stating blatantly obvious facts.

Taehyung laughed. He knew Hoseok to be ambitious but this fish was too big. And his fishing pole was way too thin to catch it.

It was the sixth time that Taehyung passed Jungkook’s room. No matter how much he pleaded Jin to let him see Jungkook for just one minute to explain things to him, that stubborn ass (whoops) nurse wouldn’t let him see him. Not even his puppy dog eyes worked, although it came really close.

Like really, really close.
He couldn’t stand it anymore. He didn’t care if Jungkook didn’t want to see him ever again but he had to let him know that it wasn’t his fault. And besides, it was just a small scratch (not). It was practically fully healed by now (Again false – he still had to wear a band aid to cover it up).

Taehyung waited for Jin to leave the clinic that night. As soon as he did, the sixteen year old boy made his way to Jungkook’s room carefully.

Upon reaching the door, he just stood there, unable to process any further. He should’ve thought of a more detailed plan. Nevertheless, he knocked on the door.

Somehow, Jungkook must’ve known that it was Taehyung. So Taehyung didn’t get any reply. And he didn’t want to barge into the room even though he had an extra key.

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