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Chapter 3

Fifteen Years

“Yah Kim Taehyung!” a loud voiced boy called from one corner of the class. But Kim Taehyung had already vanished out the class door.

A loud sigh could be heard. “He escaped again huh?” Namjoon commented and scratched his head.

He held a broom in his hands making him look like an old samurai with a weird mohawk. Hoseok only sighed like an old man once again.

“It’s like he has a girlfriend that he’s whipped to,” he replied and walked to the board to clean it.
Hoseok continued to complain, “He hasn’t joined any club, has he?”

Namjoon began to sweep the classroom. “I hear he’s trying out for basketball or something. But isn’t that kid good in studies as well?”

“Yeah, he always gets the top results. Gosh, what wouldn’t I give to be a genius like him?”

Hoseok whined but didn’t mean any bad feelings by it. He looked up to Taehyung for maintaining perfect balance in school. In fact, everyone did. It was either desire to be like Taehyung or be with Taehyung. And either one seemed impossible.

Taehyung’s initial plan to be a sociable kid went out the window as soon as he met Jungkook. Besides school work, only Jungkook’s thoughts filled Taehyung’s young mind which led to him being one of the least sociable kid in the school.

Taehyung never joined any cub although different clubs requested him to join. He was even suggested to be a member of the student council by teachers because of his outstanding grades but he simply refused saying that he was preoccupied with something at home.

He never really had any close friends in school unless you counted Hoseok and Namjoon who copy off his homework at times and eat lunch together.
But despite his lack of social life in school, Kim Taehyung was not dissatisfied. Why? Well, the reason was simple. Taehyung had Jungkook.

“Do you think he has a girlfriend whom he meets up with everyday?”Hoseok suggested. “I bet she’s pretty hot.”

Namjoon smacked Hoseok’s head. “Get back to work, dumbass. So what if he has one?”

Hoseok pouted. “I was just curious.” Namjoon grinned scarily. “Rather than a girlfriend, I think he’s more into guys. Not that I mind.” Hoseok nodded his head in a rather interested way.

“True, true. He has rejected every girl that has ever confessed to him. But that doesn’t mean he didn’t reject the few boys who confessed to him.”
Namjoon was tired of Hoseok’s ranting. “Just get back to work, stupid, so we can hurry home.”

If Taehyung had overheard his two friends’ conversation, he would’ve blatantly explained that he did have someone waiting for him at home.

A certain someone whom he had grew so fond of the past year. A certain someone whose smiles gave him even the smallest joy, and whose pain he shared even though he was physically fine.
The past year wasn’t easy for Taehyung.

He knew that Jungkook was frail and weak and he shouldn’t be attached to him as much as he was now because, well, he didn’t want to complete that sentence. But he couldn’t stop himself to stay away from the said boy. His smiles were so contagious that he could even see them in his dreams. And at first, Taehyung was disturbed.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Taehyung was supposed to befriend Jungkook to kill his as well as Jungkook’s loneliness. But his plan once again flew out the window that one fateful evening when he realized that he might be in love with the innocent kid. That seemed to happen a lot in Taehyung’s life now; the whole thing about his life not going according to plan.

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