"OMG!" He shouted after seeing a body in sight.

"H-H-help..m-me" a small whisper was heard.

The boy wiped his sweat as he heard those two words escaping her lips.

"Uhm...uh miss! A-are y-you okay?!"

"Wtf! What kind of question is that of course not!" The boy said ruffling his hair.

"O-okay I'm gonna get you out!" He said and he slowly pulled the beaten up girl out of the box.

The young fella soon picked her up and dashes to a near by hospital where they had many questions as to why the girl was in a box.

Even the cops showed up wondering if the young man had anything to do with the girl and all answered was the truth.

"So your telling me that your delivering milk and you just happened to see a rectangular box in a tunnel and inside was a girl" the police repeated.

"That's exactly what I said twice! You have to believe officer I didn't do anything to her"

"She ...I I don't know how she even got here" he says.

"Okay okay, we'll run some information on her ..and we'll talk to her as soon as she wakes up" the officer said.


The officers soon walked away and came in the Doctor.

"And you are?" The doctor said.

"I'm Jeon Dylan sir" he said with a smile

"And what's your relationship with the girl?"

"Oh I don't know her, I *sigh* do I have to tell you everything?" His voice slouchily.

"Yes so I can help her"

"Uhm.. short story, basically I was just delivering milk every Saturday and Sunday morning and as I was going through a tunnel ...BOOM! A box appeared and it is ..uh well a girl" he quoted the word girl.

"Well since you are not her guardian I need her parents information if you know"

"I don't...honestly I don't think she lives around here"

"Any names given?"

"I don't know her name... I don't know anything about the girl" he says.

"Okay well we'll run some few test and we'll get back to you soon" the doctor then walked away leaving the young boy a bit frustrated.

After an hour of waiting the doctor arrived telling Dylan that the girl will be just fine, all she needed is some treatment to her bruises and cuts and after one weeks she'll be ready to leave the hospital in no time.


During her week in the hospital the doctors had explained what happened to her and how she got there, she couldn't believe her ears nor the people that surrounded her. She couldn't believe that she is placed in a new environment where she has no one to guide her.

She was scared, defeated and lonely. All she desired was to go home but where she is home is not a place to be right now.

Yet she was kind of glad she is finally away from that freak David but the scariest part is, wondering if he's watching her even if she is far away from home.

They soon discharged Lynn giving her new clothes to wear and as soon as she got out of the hospital, she held her arms tight and glances at the new surrounding.

"I I can't believe I'm in New York City" she says while seeing tall skyscrapers engulfed the whole area.

Lynn then started to walk still holding tight hoping she'll find a decent place to stay for awhile but there was only one problem.. She had not no money with her and as the clouds became slightly dark she knew she had to find a shelter.

When small pecks of rain became large amounts of water splashing everything Lynn ran with all her might searching for anything she can find.

Luckily she found a near by park and a small bridge was form which she ran towards it staying there glaring at all the people also looking for shelter.

"H-hey girl you ain't supposed to be in ma home!" Roared a deep voice.

Lynn turned around to witness a man about to hit her till something blocked the man's arm.

Lynn glances up looking at a very handsome boy.

"Sir that's not nice...you never lay a finger on a woman ...ever" he says.

"Well that rat otta here, this is ma home!" He said.

The boy smiled at Lynn and grabbed her wrist as they both ran to a building that had a shade on.

"Are you okay?" He says catching his breath.

"I-I'm f-fine... Ex-excuse me but I I should get go-going" Lynn said ready to walk away till she got pulled back

"Omg your that girl in that rectangular box! Wow, they cleaned you up good...OMG was that mean! I I'm so sorry I-if I made you upset about that, I I didn't mean .."

"Rectangular box?! I was in a box!?" She shouted.

"Uhh...y-yeah.. I took you to the hospital"

"Wh-why was I in a box!" Lynn said again holding her bead.

"I really don't know, you tell me."

Lynn began to cry just thinking about what even happened during her time in Korea. The young fella panicked not knowing how to comfort someone that he just met, but in the end he slowly patted her head telling her everything will be fine.

"Uhm... Would you like to come with me... I have a place you can stay." He says with a smile.

"I don't think I can trust another man...they all stomp on girls heart and leave you like a dying rose"

"Well, I don't do that ...I've never been in a relationship and I don't like the idea of men torturing girls. It's sickening in my view"

Because of how good looking he was Lynn has this sense that he's a psychopath just like the ones back home. She already knew that guys that are sweet and seems caring only ends up having a dark side after much staying with them for too long.

It was a daring question but she was hungry for an answer.

"Are you a psychopath?" She gulped

"Ah no...I don't kill, in fact  I hate blood. Blood makes me feel ...eehhck" he said making a digested face.

"A-are you perhaps related to Uhm..to a Jeon?"

"Huh? Oh the Jeons, yeah ... Sweetheart you need to stay away from all of them.. They'll kill you for sure. They'll torture you to the bone!"

"Oh believe me ...I already experienced the torture" Lynn said with dark hollow eyes.

Psychopath VI •• J.J.K      [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now