Start from the beginning


As I got in pushing the door open, Alina the girl who sat on the reception told me to see Mr.Hussain quickly as it was around tenth time he was asking about me. I nodded and went straight to his office. I was on my way to his office praying that he would not be too mad at me like I know he would be but still the normal version would be better. I got in peeking inside from the door as my eyes landed on him sitting on his comfortable long chair doing some important work on laptop as his eye brows were furrowed together as his eyes were glued to the laptop screen. I cleared my throat to make my presence visible. His eyes quickly snapped at me and without saying a single word he gestured me to sit on one of the chairs in front of his desk. At first I was surprised and looked at my back as if there was someone to whom he was ordering to sit but no.. it was actually me as there was no one except me and him. He did not shout or scold or said something bad, oh wow! Wait wait wait I am still in his office and his tongue is still must be working, he can say, you need to wait. I grab a chair and sat on it paying a salam to which he mumbled a Waalaikumassalam. I swallowed before starting to apologize for being late. "Actually sir! I got late becau..." I tried to explain but he stopped me mid way gesturing with a hand to stop.

"Let it be Ms.Hamna. There must be some reason that you got late. It's just that I was worried as you didn't even inform me that why you were actually late but the important thing is now you are here. By the way why do we keep phones with ourselves? Just to play candy crush?" There was a playful smile on his face as he spoke the last sentence. My eyes were wide open as my mouth copies my eyes. I could not say a word, he was not pissed. He snapped his fingers before my eyes as he still haven't got any reply from my side yet. 
"Woooooooooooow!!" I laughed as I said the only word that came in my mouth.
"What wow?" His eye brows were scrunched together as it showed that he was really confused.
"You are actually not mad at me and that's just wow." I said out of the blue. He laughed real hard shaking his head at my words.
"Well... It does not matter so yeah just relax about that." He winked at me and I think I blushed.
"Okay so lets get back to work." He said so I was getting up from my chair to leave to my office to do my work but stopped as he said "Where are you going?"

"Ummm... Sir I think you just told me to start work." I replied more like asking.
"Yeah but I didn't tell you to leave. We need to talk about something so stay with me. Uhh.. I mean listen to me." He said gesturing me to sit back again and I did so.
"So I was sayin... Wait! Do me a favour. I mean umm make reservation for two people at Movenpick Hotel in a seperate peaceful area for the lunch time." I noted his directions in a notepad quickly.
"That's it?" I confirmed.
"Yeah!" He said and I excused myself before leaving to make the phone call.


I was in my room talking on the phone finalizing the reservation when the intercom's red light started blinking telling me that it's Humayun sir's call. I quickly got done with the booking and hung up before picking Humayun sir's call.
"Sorry sir I was just finalizing the reservation for you." I apologized
"No problem! Are you done with the booking?" He asked through the other side of the phone and I replied with a yes.
"So shall we leave?" He asked and I got confused so I confirmed asking "Huh?" 

"Oh I mean get ready we are going out for an important discussion." He made it clear
"Yes sir." I replied and hung up. I took my bag and walked out of my room. As I closed the door behind me and turned he was already standing there waiting and scrolling up and down on his phone.
"Sir are you not taking Sofia with you?" I asked as I was little bit curious because I thought he ordered me to do that for them or they were going on a lunch date.
"No, she is busy in work and we do not want her to be around during this important discussion." He stated. I nodded and we went out to get in his black dodge where his chauffeur was ready to take us on our destination with the two back doors wide open for us. I sat in and to my surprise he also sat with me at the back. He was sitting very comfortably in manly way with the legs parted while I was sticking myself to the door to make some distance.


We were sitting in an area where the soft music was humming in our ears and very few couples were sitting there. The place was calm and peaceful, more like a special place for couples. The hotel was real classy. Each and every single thing was screaming it's expensive price. I was engaged looking around the beautiful things when sir asked interrupting me admiring the surroundings.
"So what would you like to have?" He asked going through the menu card.
"I would like to remind you that we came here for 'some important discussion' as you said." I said quoting his words with my fingers. He was about to say something when a waiter came to ask us about our order.
"Sir how may I help you?" He asked softly and sir glanced at me raising his eye brows as if asking me to order. I shrugged and told him to do it himself. He nodded and ordered the food for both of us. The waiter noted our order and said "Have a nice date." He smiled sweetly and bowed a little. He turned to leave as I snapped my head and called him back "Come here. Yes you boy come back here."
"Yes ma'am?" He came back and asked in the same polite tone.
"Who told you that we are couple or we are here for a date?" I asked more like scolding him. No it's not like I talk to waiters like that but this is the second time someone is saying us a couple and making me uneasy. "We are here for an important discussion and he is my boss. Is that clear?" I further said. I took a quick look at sir who was fighting hard with the corner of his lips which were moving upward creating an idiotic smirk on his face. I glared at him before concentrating back to that waiter.
"I am sorry ma'am but this place is specially for couples. You see all the people sitting here are couples not even whole families." He apologized before leaving
"You knew about this place and still you told me to make reservation here?" I asked with an annoyed look on my face. He started to laugh "I- I am sorry uhh.. You know... Umm it's just that I like this place so much. It's less crowded and calm." He finished stuttering in between.

We were eating our meals and discussing about Sofia's coming birthday. Yeah so that was the important discussion. He wanted me to help him to surprise her at 12 O'clock in the night. 

"You will have to help me with the gifts. I know her taste but still a girl knows another girl better." He said

"Fine as you say." I replied munching my rice and manchurian sauce. I looked up from my plate and he was smiling at me. I touched my mouth if there was something he was smiling at but that smile was not kind of funny, it was sweet... nice. I didn't feel anything on face so I chose to ignore it like who actually cares I should more concentrate on my delicious food. 
The discussion as what we will do to surprise her was over and so our lunch was. He paid the bill and  we got out of the restaurant to leave for the office but guess what? He surprised me with a half day off and offered me to drive to my home but this time I insisted to go myself by hiring a taxi and didn't let him win the little argument. 


As I got out from the cab in front of my house my eyes landed on the same black dodge standing far at the end of the street. I waved as I recognized the number plate. Yes he was none other than my boss. He slowly came to my side still in the car.
"What you're doing here? You should be at the office." I asked
"Well you didn't listen to me to drop you here so I was just making sure of myself that you reached here safely." He smiled and shrugged and I laughed.
"Come inside. Join us for a while." I invited him in.
"No! may be next time. As you said I should be at the office." He smiled again and drove off.

OMG that smile!......

Huff... the longest update till now. I really got tired of completing this chapter. 
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Until Next Time! ;)

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