Clothing hitting her in the face brought her out of her revelry and she blinked to find Clarke had gotten dressed in jeans and shirt before throwing her clothing at her. Clarke grinned as she sat down to pull on her boots while Lexa hurriedly got dressed

"You're obsessed"

"I can't help it. You're beautiful. I'd need to be dead to not appreciate it. Even then I'd struggle" Lexa told her honestly and Clarke gave a snort before standing and going over to her clothing pile to find a jumper she could wear under her jacket for extra warmth. It was freezing. It was handy now to have some more clothes from the ark. She grabbed an extra one for Lexa, handing it to her

"I know its not commander clothes but its warm. I just got you better, I don't need you sick for our wedding"

"Then I had better wear it" Lexa grinned standing and pulling it on. It was slightly big on her. Though she was taller she was leaner than Clark who was nicely curved. She wouldn't be able to get her jacket on over it. Realising this she grabbed her cloak and wrapped it around her instead.

They headed outside their tent, finding a shivering Octavia standing there waiting. Clarke frowned at her friend then sighed "We will build you a fire pit to keep you warm" she promised "Maybe a bit of a shelter."

"Th-thanks" Octavia stuttered out

"Come warm up with us at breakfast" Lexa offered as they started to walk. "Have some of the Skaikru's coffee"

"Thank you Heda" Octavia shivered as she followed them.

Walking into the mess the temperature was a lot warmer immediately thanks to the cooking fire and the large fire burning near the open side of the mess. The place was crammed with people, sitting at the table or on the floor or standing. Just trying to keep warm. Or possibly waiting to see their Heda because as soon as they saw them walking in hand in hand a chant went up.

Some chanted "Heda" others "Skaiprisa"

Lexa turned to Clarke and smiled "My people love you. They are our people now"

Clarke let herself be led to 'their' table. Octavia was invited to sit with them. Clarke smiled at Lexa when she acted the gentleman and seated her, then waited for Octavia to take her seat before holding up her hand to quiet the crowd. She spoke quickly in her own language. The only words she recognised were those of her mother and Kane.

A brow raised as several people hurried out of the room and Lexa sat beside her before waving for everyone to continue their meal.

"What did you say to them?" She asked and beside her Octavia muttered

"You really need to learn Trigedasleng."

Clarke ignored her and turned to Lexa who offered her a smile "I told them to go fetch your mother, Marcus Kane, your friends and my top generals as I had an important announcement to make"

"You're serious. You're really going to tell them all" she blushed slightly and Lexa gave a quick nod just as a woman came forward with three plates loaded with food. Clarke's mouth dropped open in shock. How? Catching her look Lexa chuckled "obviously trade was done while we were away"

Clarke just looked at her plate, loaded with bacon obviously from the boars caught for last night's meal, mushrooms picked from the forest, freshly toasted bread and eggs. Eggs! She hadn't had them before.

"I told you we are not all savage warriors. We have farmers too that farm animals and an assortment of crops, traders then visit the villages and we barter for their wares." Lexa popped a piece of bacon in her mouth "You should wait until you see the food in Polis. They are sure to hold a festival and so many cultures from all around the old world are on show. Food, drink, music, clothing" she paused when she noticed both Clarke and Octavia staring at her in shock and cocked an eyebrow "Told you Polis would change how you see us" she pointed at the food "eat before it gets cold"

Two Into One (Clexa)Where stories live. Discover now