How Much Money Do You Spend On Makeup?

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So I was on YouTube the other night, and came across this Buzzfeed video titled "How Much Money Do You Spend On Makeup?", and in it, they had three or four women bring in their makeup bags, and then they'd be told how much everything they had in there cost, and what their most expensive item was. One of them had over $400 worth in there! 😱 But that got me much do I spend? Because, let me be honest, I am a makeupaholic. I love makeup, especially buying it. In the video, one of the girls said something along the lines of "I will walk into Sephora needing one thing, but then leave with seven. It's like going to the pound; you can't just take one puppy, you need all the puppies!" And it's true for me! Although I don't go to Sephora very often because, while I LOVE that store, it's SO EXPENSIVE! But I'll go to Walmart or Wallgreens needing just some eyeliner or foundation, and I'll end up buying what I went there for...along with three or four other things. So I decided to do this - I'm just gonna call it a "challenge" - challenge to see what happened. So I laid out everything that I use on a semi-daily basis and Googled them all to find their prices and added it all up. However, I couldn't find the brushes or sponges that I use, and Idk why... But anyway, I was expecting the number to be pretty high considering that I use 20 (yes, 20) products almost every time I do my makeup, not including tools. So without further adoo, here is what it all totaled up to: $151.99. And my most expensive item is my Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion, which costs $20.00. Now I don't think I paid that much for it, because I got it for a special deal at Sephora once, but that's still crazy expensive. And I was expecting my Mary Kay stuff to be the most expensive!
But the total was not as high as I was anticipating, I was surprised. But like I said, I mostly shop for my makeup at drugstores, so that's probably why. However, I'm sure it would be a different story if I were to add up all of the makeup I own... But I'm not gonna do that. At least not right now. lol
Okay, that's all for now. I just found it interesting.
Bye! 😘

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