Winged Eyeliner

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Ah, winged eyeliner... One of my absolute favorite looks, but so dang hard to get right! It took me years to finally come up with this way of doing it, so hopefully this tip will save you some time.
The best way I've found to do winged eyeliner is to look straight into the mirror, with your eyes open how they would normally be, and look at your eyelashes. Notice where the tips stop and put a little dot right there. Then you can make the line as thin or thick as you want, and you can even make the tail longer if you so choose. But doing it this way ensures that the liner is more symmetrical, and better compliments your eye shape.

I hope this tip was helpful! Feel free to leave any of your tips and/or tricks in the comments, and I hope to see you in the next chapter! 😉

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