Back on Earth

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As lectures went on in the classroom, Shinoa turned her head to the empty seat beside her. Her mind roaming on all the places in this world where Yuu could be. She remembered going to give him some books two weeks ago where she met that stranger. Who were all those people? How where they associated with Yuu? She wished to know the answers to these questions. All she knew for now was that, they were the reason for his sudden strange behavior.

Mika and Yuu were snuggled under the covers of the bedsheets making out, this was eighty percent of what they had been doing ever since they had confess their love to each other. They were either making out or making love. Being on venos, they didn't really have much to do, just to go out once a while to see everyone.

But that was all to change today, today Mika's senses had returned to him about his boyfriends well being. He broke their kiss and looked at him.

"What's wrong?" Yuu asked.

"Yuu-chan, you haven't been to school for more than a month now." Mika said.

Yuu froze, school, she had completely forgotten about that word. In fact, he had completely forgotten that he wasn't on his planet, well it wasn't entirely his fault. Blame his illegally handsome boyfriend who was on his mind twenty four seven.

"Um..oops?" He shrugged.

"Oops is right." Mika said as he got out of bed.

"Hey." Yuu sat up. "Mika, where are you going? We're not done yet, well at least I don't want us to be done yet." He tapped the bed. "Come back to bed."

Mika ignored him, no matter how much he wanted to he had to do this. This was called strict love and Mika loved Yuu to that point where he would do the best for Yuu, even though Yuu hated it.

"Yuu-chan get dressed." Mika said.

"Why?" Yuu asked. "Are we going somewhere?"

"Yes." Mika said.

"Where exactly?" Yuu asked.

"Earth." Mika said.

"Earth? Why?" Yuu asked.

"Yuu-chan, it's time to get you back to school." Mika said.


The school bells rang as the students cried out in joy, each one leaving school immediately.

"Shinoa!" Mitsuba called as Shinoa looked at her. "What's wrong with you? I've been calling for a while now."

"Sorry Mitsu." She smiled, they could all tell that there was sadness in her smile.

"We've done all we can." Mitsuba said. "It's not our fault or our problem anymore."

"Mitsuba don't say that." Akane said. "At first it was nothing to be worried about, at least he was at home then but now, he's completely vanished. I only wonder where he's gone to."

"At least he has Mika-kun." Yoichi smiled. "Mika-kun seems to be good friends with him and I'm sure as long as he's with him, he's doing fine."

"I'm still worried." Shinoa said. "Ever since this Mikaela showed up, Yuu has been going missing for a while, what do you think will happen if Guren were to suddenly come home? Where on earth could Yuu-san be? Why won't he tell us what's going on."

"Possibly because he has his new friends." Kimizuki sighed as he stood up from his seat. "Look, I think it's best for us to leave him be, he's a grown up and can do whatever the hell he wants." He picked up his bags. "Right now, the only thing we should be worrying about is that History test we have soon, I'm going home to study." He said as he walked out of the classroom.

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