◆ Book Cover Tutorial ◆

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Hi. I just want to show to you babies how I'm making book covers. The example I will use was the last cover I made for Cry_Baby711. Hope this would help you a lot. ツツ☁


The character of your story. It should be in high quality and never use your selfies because that would lessen the quality.

On the picture: Since the main character of the story is Melanie, I searched a picture of her at Google chrome and picked a beautiful Fan Art. (That drawing is not mine)


What is the type/genre of your story? Is it fanfic? Romcom? Horror?

Background is very important. It will give mood to your cover so make a good one according to your story's genre.

If its light fanfic just like my book, "Sarcastic Queen" make it colorful, another example is "The Bad Boy Stole My Bra" did you notice its background? It was orange. If its horror ofc make it black or red or gray.

On the pic: I made it pale pink because that was the trademark color of Melanie. (I used PhotoFrame for the app)

➂  Details:

Not that important but it will give more emphasis to your book cover. Look at the cover of "No Homo" by louvinglouis, its detail was attracting to readers because of the text balloons (correct me if im wrong) at the back.

On the pic:  I had fun putting the baby things at the rope. ( I used Camly for the app)

➃  Text Title:

Books without title was lame. It is what people looks at first. They find it boring if there was no title. Really, a book without a title?
So text titles must be readable, must be interactive also -it adds gracefulness. If its possible try to use more than one fonts or colors or sizes.

On the pic: Take a look at the text title, I used 2 fonts and 2 colors to make it even cuter. (app: Camly)

Wattpad book cover size is 512 pixels Wide x 800 pixels High.

But my secret behind these was just my wild imagination.. plan first on how to make the cover be more attention seeker and you will get the cake.

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There! Hope you had an idea or two on how to make good covers. Remember, this will help attract more readers. Stay wonderful!

Shoutout to Hollie109 for adoring my works. Haha thanks baby ilysm :*

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