✒Chapter 15-The Ghost Tribe Rises

Start from the beginning

"He's pretty strong." Hawk said.

James sighed. "Yeah...and I apologize for his behavior. He means well; he just has really bad trust issues."

"Obviously," Jennifer replied.

"I don't blame him though. Growing up the way we did, I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Unlike me, William grew up with the assumption that anyone who isn't a part of our clan are enemies and can never be trusted. And now that both our parents have faced mysterious deaths, it's kind of hard not to believe

"I felt the same way when I lost my Mom and Dad too. You never really recover; you just learn to endure the pain."

"William was never good at enduring the pain, he would just pass it on to other people. We were there when our mother died; we were too young and too weak to defend ourselves. After what happened, William and I dedicated our lives to getting stronger so that we could protect ourselves, and anyone else in need. We did our job well, but we couldn't prevent our father's death."

"When did your father pass?"

James took a moment to answer. He felt a bit of discomfort; he struggled to get his words out.

"The night before the exam. I think he might have been assassinated."

Jennifer stood clueless, then it hit her, like a ton of bricks and her eyes began to water.

"P-Principle Ronald...is he your father?"

There was an awkward silence.

"Yeah...he wanted to keep it a secret to draw away unwanted attention. The only people who knew until now were Crowley and the members of the Council."

"Oh my--I had no idea." She stepped away.

"He was a good man, a little strict at times, but he had a good heart. I really don't understand why someone would go after him after all that he's done to help everyone."

Jennifer's hands were shaking and she was working up a sweat.

"I'm sorry for your loss," she said, with hesitation.

"I'll be alright I just hope William can keep it together."

Charles approached James and gave him a pat on the back.

"I speak for all of Restriction when I say we appreciate what your father has done for us; keeping all of us safe."

"I thought he locked you guys away because you were mixed breeds," said Mcduff.

"That's what I thought at first, too, but after seeing how people reacted to us being in the exams, I noticed exactly what he was doing: he was protecting us. We're not as bad as people make us seem, we're not different from any one of you; we're just victims of past blame."

"I promised Argo and Julia that I would help you guys out of here, and I will do that. I don't break a promise, no matter what it is." James replied.

"How will you do that? Principle Ronald is gone; he was the one who made all the final decisions."

"The Council is here; all we have to do is talk to them after the exams."

"You think they'll listen to us?"

"They can't refuse the son of the 'king'." Mcduff replied.

"Sounds like a plan." Hawk said, "Let's focus on staying alive though. Let's get inside. I don't want to know what comes out at night."

"You guys go ahead and go," said Charles. "I'll stay and be on lookout."

"You sure about that?" James asked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2017 ⏰

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