Cleo walked into Brooklyn's classroom and mugged her. "Where were you during your planning period, huh?"

"I told you that I had a doctors appointment." Brooklyn told him.

Cleo studied his wife for a few second and shrugged. "I forgot. How'd it go?"

"It went well." Brooklyn said.

"That's good. We have some things to discuss later on, so I'll see you at home."

"Hey, coach. What you doing in here caking?" Shavez joked, making some of the students laugh.

"How about you worry about raising your grades and stop worrying about what I'm doing with my wife." Cleo told him. "As a matter of fact, you better pass this math test or I'm gonna be on that ass during practice."

"Oh shit." A student mumbled.

Cleo turned his attention back to his wife. "I'll see you later, baby." He kissed her cheek then mugged Shavez before walking out of the classroom.


"Are you hungry, Hassan?" Brooklyn asked the toddler. Hassan nodded. Brooklyn went into her bag and gave him a ziplock bag filled with green grapes.

A few days have passed and Hassan is slowly adjusting. Brooklyn has been trying to tell the toddler that his mother is not alive anymore in the most careful way, but he doesn't fully understand yet.

They are currently at Johnathan and Cleo's mini shop and it was busy. Teenagers, young adults, and parents were everywhere buying everything and that made the two men confident in opening their own store.

"What else do you have, mommy?" Nicole asked as she adjusted Nigel on her lap.

"I have strawberries too." Nicole nodded, indicating that she wanted them.

"Everything good?" Cleo asked.

"Yeah, I was just giving them some snacks." Brooklyn replied.

"We're almost done. We're gonna get some food afterwards." Cleo informed the kids.

"Joe Joe." Hassan said, pointing.

Cleo turned around and found his ex best friend lurking around the mini shop. Cleo gave Brooklyn a look, telling her to watch his back before he approached Joseph.

"What you doing here, man?" Cleo asked him.

Joseph smirked. "I came to check shit out."

"Nah, I think you came here to start a problem and this ain't the place to do it." Cleo said.

"What's up? You nervous or some shit?" Joseph taunted.

"I fear no one." Cleo told him. "I'm only concerned about these kids and families out here. Don't start none—won't be none."

The two men began to stare each other down. Cleo ended up winning the contest and Joseph left the mini shop causing a little commotion by knocking over a display.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" A bystander asked as Joseph continued to walk out.

Cleo shook his head and went to clean up the small mess with a little help from Brooklyn and a couple of customers.

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