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"Walk to daddy." Brooklyn said as she stood Nigel up on his feet.

Nigel smiled at his father. "Come on big man." Cleo said.

Nigel clapped his hands together and began to walk. Brooklyn laughed. She doesn't know why her son claps his hands together every time he begins to walk. He's been doing it since they practiced walking.

"Yay! That's mommy's big boy!" Brooklyn exclaimed.

"Walk to sissy." Cleo told his son.

Nigel looked over at his sister. He smiled at Nicole and walked over to her. Nicole smiled too and picked him up. Brooklyn's eyes lit up when she saw her daughter smiling. Nicole hasn't been herself for the past couple days and nobody knows why.

"Now you have to walk to Teddy." Nicole said as she placed Nigel on his feet.

Nigel smiled at Theodore and walked over to him. "Good job little man." Theodore said.

The doorbell rung and Cleo looked at Theodore. "That's your mama." Theodore took a deep breath and got up. He went to answer the door with Nigel still in his arms.

"I'm not ready for him to leave." Nicole mumbled.

"Hey, baby." Theodore's mother, Lola said. "How are you?"

Theodore gave her a closed lip smile and allowed her inside the house. "I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm fine." Lola replied. "Hey Cleo. Hey Brooklyn. Thank you for keeping my baby during our rough times."

"It's no problem. Teddy is always welcomed." Cleo said.

Lola smiled then looked at her son. "Go get your bags. Yusef is at the house making us dinner."

"Ma, what did I tell you when I left the house?" Theodore asked. "I'm not going back to that house if that man is still living there."

"Last time I checked, you're not eighteen years of age so you can't make any decisions. Now get your bags and let's go!" Lola snapped.

"Lola, hear him out." Brooklyn chimed in.

"Nobody was talking to you. Mind your business." Lola told her.

"First of all, you're in my house. Secondly, you need to pipe down and stop raising your voice in front of my children. It is evident that Teddy does not want to go home. It is also evident that you are picking your man over your son and that's not right. That man is verbally abusive and looking at your arm—he is physically abusive as well. What you need to do is get yourself together and think about which is more important—your abusive relationship or the bond with your son and your well being. Now, Teddy will stay here. If you have a problem with that, you can take him and we'll call child protective services. If not, you'll leave, get your shit together, and come here so I can help you out." Brooklyn said. "I'll give you a few seconds to think on that."

Lola scoffed. She looked at Theodore before storming out of the house. Theodore looked at Cleo and Brooklyn with tears in his eyes. "Help her please."


"I can't believe my nephew is walking now!" Shayla said as she watched Nigel walk around her living room.

"I can see the baby fever in your eyes, Shay." Brooklyn teased.

"You can't see shit." Shayla replied.

Brooklyn laughed. "My children need cousins."

"Girl—fuck them kids." Shayla said.

Brooklyn rolled her eyes. "That's what you say now."

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