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" Good morning, Shawn." Johnson gives him a wink and Shawn sighs.

"Yeah, Goood morning Shawn." Taylor and Aaron wiggle their eyebrows.

"Whatever guys, let's go eat breakfast." Shawn plays with my hair and I chuckle.

"First though, let me change. I don't feel like getting murdered today. Oh, and the second we finish eating I am coming back up here to shower. " I state and they all nod in agreement.

I stand up from the bed and grab some of my own clothes out of the dresser before going to the bathroom to change.

I hear the guys whispering like excited five year olds as I change and when I'm done I attempt at eavesdropping, but the door is too thick for me to actually hear the words they are saying.

The second I open the bathroom door the room goes quite and Shawn shoots me a fleeting guilty look.

What'd he do now?

"We ready to eat?" Aaron questions after a while, feeling the silent tension in the room.

An eruption of yeahs and yeses occur as soon as he utters the words.

We walk out of the hotel room and downstairs to the hotel's little cafe.

I get a blueberry muffin and some grapefruit juice, all the guys still have to order so I go to find a table big enough to contain us.

After searching the whole place, I can't find a good one table so I save two.

This will do.

I sit down at the table and start to enjoy my muffin when a little girl walks up to me.

"Well hi there. " I smile down at her when she tugs on my shirt.

Her cheeks blush a little and she looks down to the ground.

" Are you lost? Where are your parents?" I look around the room in concern.

The girl points to a booth that seats two adults who are watching her closely.

I sigh in relief, thank goodness.

"I-I Is that Shawn Mendes, A-nd Cameron D-dallas you are with?" She asks and I chuckle, a fan.

"Why yes it is, would you like to meet them?" I ask and she nods her head vigorously.

I stand up and she takes my hand, which surprises me at first, but I get over it and continue over to the guys.

"Who is this? " Cameron kneels down in front of the little girl.

" She came over asking if I could introduce her to you and Shawn. " I tell him with a smile.

" And what is your name beautiful? " The girl blushes before telling him her name was Emily.

I smile as she gives him a hug and they take a picture together.

I tug on Shawn's shirt and he turns around to see what I'm seeing.

" She wants to see you too. " I whisper into his ear after standing up on my tip toes.

"Oh..." He says awkwardly taking a step back from me before going over to the girl.

What was that about?


We finished eating our breakfast and now we are deciding what to do next.

Will we go to the beach, or the mall?

Of course I said the beach.

"I agree with Lyds. "

" Thanks Cameron." I stick out my tongue at him while Taylor and Matt insist we go to the mall. Aaron votes for the beach, Jack G, the mall, and Jack J doesn't care... Now it's up to Shawn where we go.

"I say..." He pauses to think eyes glancing from me to Cam to JJ.

"... Beach." He states and I smile brightly before giving him a big hug, which he doesn't return.

What's going on with him...

"Okay beach wins, everyone go put your suits on! " Cameron exclaims before running out of the room leaving Matt and Taylor rolling on the ground in defeat.

"Don't be like that guys, we'll go to the mall tomorrow or something." I tell them and they groan before slouching out to their hotel room.

"K, I'm going to go change." I pat Shawn's knee before grabbing my suit and going to the bathroom to change.

It doesn't take me long to put on my lilac purple bikini and the white cover up.

I knock on the door to make sure he's done changing and after hearing no objection I walk out of the bathroom with no hesitation.

"Wait!" He exclaim but it's too late, In the time it took him to pull on his trunks I got an awful nice look at his rump.

At least he wasn't facing the other way...

"I'm so s-sorry! I t-thought you were done changing..." I stutter, still in disbelief to what I just got the pleasure of seeing.

He turns around with an expression I am not familiar with etched on his face.

"It's fine, it was my fault for not replying. " He answers almost harshly.

"Hey, are you alright?" I take his hands in mine only to have him pretty much jerk them away.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" I ask him bringing my hands up to my face in worry and confusion.

What is going on with him?

"Why don't you tell me." He exits the room angrily, leaving me standing there in shock.

Could I possibly have done something to offend him, surely walking in on him wasn't that bad... After all, it was on accident.

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