Chapter 14 Dinner

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"Are you curling your hair?" Bella inquires with a quizzical look at me. I put down the curling iron and fluff the new curl.

"Yes, I may not like Edward but his family has grown on me," I reply. "I wanna look nice for dinner with them." Bella nods in understanding and goes back to brushing her own hair. She's going with a nice blues and jeans. I'm wearing a short purple flowy dress. It's strapless with a sweetheart neckline.

"You look really formal," Bella remarks with a raised eyebrow. "You know this is a casual thing right?"

"I don't ever get to dress like this because of the whole glow thing so I'm taking my chance," I answer simply and smile at my reflection in the mirror.

"Alright, are you ready yet? cause Edwards been waiting outside for like ten minutes," Bella asks while looking at her phone.

"Of course," I reply and pull on my black heels. On the way out I grab my black purse and leave Charlie a note. He's working late tonight so Edward doesn't have to answer any questions but her should know we're not dead if we aren't back before him.

I sit awkwardly in the back the whole ride while Bella and Edward whisper sweet nothings to each other.

I'm being such a third wheel right now.


"Woah your house is so open and bright," Bella muses as we walk in. She's gawking at all the windows and space.

"What did you expect? Coffins and dungeons and moats?" Edward asks jokingly.

"No, not the moats," Bella snaps back with a laugh. Edward grins and shakes his head.

"Not the moats," he mutters. Together we walk to the kitchen where the Cullens are all preparing food. I can hear them whispering and shuffling about.

"Is she even Italian?" Rosalie questions as we get closer.

"Her name is Bella," Emmet points out making me smile.

"I'm sure she'll love it no matter what," Carlisle assures just as we enter. I think I like Carlisle a little more than everyone else, he seems wiser.

"Get a whiff of that. Here comes the human," Rosalie snipes as soon as she spots Bella. I scowl at her in response. I'm be wearing contacts so my eyes are their normal violent red.

"Just ignore Rosalie. I do," Edward whispers to Bella. Well that isn't going to help this situation at all.

"Yeah! Let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us," Rosalie snaps angrily. I can understand where she's coming from but there's no need to be rude.

"I would never tell anybody anything," Bella promises. "My sisters life is on the line here too."

"She knows that," Carlisle cuts in trying to diffuse the growing tension.

"Yeah, well the problem two have gone public now so..."

"Emmet!" Esme snaps cutting her son off.

"No, she should know. The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly," Rosalie growls and scowls at Bella. I instantly step between her and Bella.

"Badly as in...I become the meal?" Bella questions nervously.

"Worse than that," I say. "But that isn't important right now. What's important is that Bella and Edward are in love making us all family." I use no charm in my voice just common sense and good old fashioned glares. Esme smiles widely and claps her hands.

"Exactly! We made dinner for you Bella and Reyna," she declares. "It's Italiano

"Oh you didn't have to," Bella mutters.

"Nonsense we'll take any excuse to use this kitchen for the first time," Carlisle insists while passing a salad bowl to Rosalie who adds tomatoes in.

"Hope you're hungry," Esme says with a hopeful smile.

"Yeah starving," Bella lies to save their feelings. She ate beforehand to try and be conscious of their eating habits. I however did not eat and would not mind eating.

"Bella already ate," Edward interjects making all their hopeful smiles fall flat.

"Great," Rosalie utters and shatters the glass bowl in her hands.

"Well dam I wanted to eat that!" I swear and stomp. "I didn't eat." This makes Esme and Carlisle smile again and Rosalie's face soften.

"I'm gonna give Bella a tour," Edward mutters and tugs Bella away.

"And I'm going to eat all your food," I remark and sit at the table. "Please dazzle me with your cooking." This makes the four vampires laugh and start showering me with the food they made. With Bella out of sight the tension in Rosalie promptly diffuses and she gladly cleans up the glass with Emmet's help.

"So Reyna how are you?" Carlisle questions politely.

"Oh you know the usual, hunting, hiding, and flirting. But enough of my boring life, I want to know about you guys. Tell me about the glamorous life of full fledged vamps," I tease.

"What do you want to know?" Esme inquires.

"I'm really more curious about the whole mate thing that happens," I elaborate. "Please explain more."

"Well you know what I told you about everyone having soulmates but vampires being able to sense it more than humans. What more do you wonder about?" Rosalie prompts. Jacob instantly comes to mind.

"How do you know? What does it feel like?"

"It's like being whole," Emmet says.

"It feels perfect and blissful. When you're with that person you could just fall into them forever or and not care about anything else. It's a very singular and intense feeling," Rosalie explains. She's gazing at Emmet and he at her. They both wear dopey grins and matching love eyes. Esme and Carlisle look at each other the same way but with them something seems almost missing.

I watch and stare in wonderment.

Is Jacob my soulmate?

A/N: Sooooo you guys like the new cover? Also thoughts on Reyna and Jacob? Also theories on that something missing with Esme and Carlisle? I have some very wicked plaaaaaannns!!!

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