Chapter 9: The Meeting of a Doctor

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Ok, ok i see i see, y'all really want those two chapters... well then i got you guys!

I see those 326+ votes and im ready to write! (not really) but im coming up with this for right now.

Also this book is ending at chapter 13 WITH a second book after the 13 so i hope you continue to read this for now and vote for it!

Anyway lets get started~


"Shhh shh, it's ok. I'm here."

Takashi says as I cry in his shoulder careful with the wrap around my neck.

"I really thought sniff i was going to die"

I tell him while taking me head out of his shoulder and looking straight at him. He smiles as he cups his hands around my face.

"I will never leave you here again, i promise" he says as he kisses my lips softly.

"Well i see YOU two are 'getting along' without me"

My head jerks up from the sudden voice i hear and i feel pain on my neck.

"Ow. ow. ow. ow" I say at the pain.

"Careful now, don't hurt your neck even more now."

I look up to see a familiar face but it's not someone I know... i think. He had blonde hair, looked like a deli-gent guy but the 2 piercings kinda scared me but only a little bit. He looked like a model kind of but not really.

Who is this dude? Why does he look so familiar?

My face looked full of confusion i bet.

"Wh-who are you?" I ask him.

His eyes go wide and he laughs. "You don't remember me? Takashi please, tell me this kid is kidding." He says.

Takashi shakes his head softly and looks back at me.

"I'm afraid not. He got into a car crash when he was in the United States and... lost his memory." He says while petting me on my head with sad looking eyes.

Then someone comes from behind the door almost as if he was observing us. He seems 16 to 17 years old. He stares at me and Takashi in a weird way then looks up at the young looking doctor.

"Dr. Kirov, are these your 'old pals' you talk about all the time?" He says.

Dr. Kirov laughs.

"Yea i'm surprised you remember me talking about them, but one seems... distant." Dr. Kirov says while looking at me.

I bow my head and feel pain so i sit right back up.

"I'm sorry..." I start off

"No, no it's quite alright, It's something that happens a lot these days but do make sure to take care of that neck for now. You will feel some pain but everything should come out alright. The bruises will go away soon but it's not like you can see them"

Bruises? REALLY?! Oh my god! I didn't think it would be THAT bad especially since it was a women who was choking me.

He looks at the kid and whispers in my ear.

"This kid is the same way, but he didn't lose his memories even though he wishes he could." The kid glares at him.

"You better not be talking about me"

Dr. Kirov gives out a laugh.

"Alright let me go ahead and check your neck"

I nod slightly and he takes off the small cast around my neck. He examines it and looks all around it.

"Well everything looks good but just be sure to have someone watching you from time to time but i'm sure he will be with you at all times" He says while smirking. "Anyway, working wise, you can keep working but if you need a note just call me and i'll give you an excuse." Dr. Kirov says while winking at me.

"That won't be necessary" Takashi speaks up.

"I am his boss, I was there last minute but he was in trouble and I had to help in any way i can." He says while grabbing my hand.

I blush at his kindly demeanor.

"O-Oiy, that kid is watching." i say while taking my hand away. 

"Oh it's quite alright, this kid knows about y'all already and about me but he is a pain about it sometimes." he chuckles out

"I am not! Sorry this guy is SO immature, i forgot to introduce myself." The kid says.

He comes out from behind the door all the way  and i see his leg casted up.

"Are you ok to be walking around like that tho?" I ask curiously. He nods and introduces himself.

"I am Angel, i came from another country not too long ago and yes i am ok to be walking around even though i am still in rehab but as long as i'm near Dr. Kirov i am totally fine." He says while smiling.

"Well as long as your ok" i tell him.

We both smile at each other now that we have introduced ourselves.

Dr. Kirov and Angel start to walk out of the room after we had chatted a little.

"Well your free to go home for now, just take those painkillers i gave you and do everything you can to stay home for a while. Just my recommendation." He waves at both of us and we both look at each other.

"Ready to go home?" Takashi asks and pulls his hand to his mouth and kisses it.

"Y-yes" I say while blushing at the gesture.

He helps me get up from the hospital bed and kisses my cheek.

"Aishiteru Yo" Takashi whispers in my ear.

I blush crimson and continue walking toward the door.

"What your not going to say it back?" I turn around on my heel and stick out my tongue.

"No! Especially not here!" I yell out.

I run out of the room and wait for him at the exit when I get there. I see his tall muscular body come from the hallway and smile at him, but that smile only lasted a minute before i saw the pissed off face as he stood at the front of the exit and holds me close. At first I was so confused what was happening until i saw the red crimson hair i had once saw once again.


Alright guys thats the end of this chapter, hope you liked it!

Also! I am thinking about the scenario that will happen which one shall I do?

1) It's the **** and she comes to apologize while having something up her sleeve~
2) It's a new character that comes into play~
Or 3) You PM me what u think should happen or on the comments~ :3

Remember to comment, vote, and add to your reading lists!!

Love you all!!

Kawaii_Ylli OUT!!!!! :3

Aishiteru Yo (I love you) Yaoi (Boyxboy) [COMPLETED] [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now