t h r e e : conversations

Depuis le début

Internally, Isaiah tugged on his hair and groaned in frustrated annoyance. She didn't care that he sat with her? So he could've sat with her everyday for the past three days and she wouldn't have minded? Those were three days worth of missed opportunities...

But externally, Isaiah was a few things. Relieved; he had expected her to use those wonderful eyes to glare at him for his rude, presumptuous action of sitting opposite her without her invitation. He was conflicted; was it possible to be feeling both soothed and completely on anxious? Both relaxed and tensed? To feel sure, unsure and...awkward? This wasn't him. At all.

"So...hi." He said again, a shy, nervous laugh bubbling out of his throat. He cringed as soon as the words (and the laugh) left his throat. Seriously, who was he?

The Nameless Girl blinked at him, face set in neutrality. After a second of observing him, her coveted gaze slid back to the map-thing she was reading and occasionally marking with a pencil. He tried not to feel so cut up about the fact that she hadn't smiled back at him. She was letting him sit with her, that had to count for something.

Isaiah put his focus onto elevating his calculus grade. He was positive that he was going to get a B on the test on Monday, and indirectly thanked Nameless Girl for that. If she hadn't been so beautiful and interesting, he wouldn't be spending his Thursday afternoon doing calc, but rather doing what he always did on Thursdays.

Holed up in football captain's basement, bonding with his teammates with beer, girls and video games. It was only a matter of time before Miguel asked him where he was.

And when Isaiah was knee and elbow deep into his third question, he thought that was exactly who it was calling him. But, the frowning face of his little brother and his name flashing in white font was a lot different that what his football captain looked like.

He sent a quick glance to Nameless Girl, only to find she was looking at him. She looked bored. Or annoyed. Isaiah wasn't sure until he swore she rolled her eyes at his vibrating phone that was causing the table to do the same. Isaiah almost blushed. Oops.

"Hello? Micah?" Was his greeting.

"Isaiah, where are you?"

"Uh..." He frowned, totally confused about the urgency in Micah's normally bored, blank voice. "Why?"

"Because the entire football team is in the media room waiting for you? Because Amèlie is sitting on Miguel's lap and showing him pictures of Poopsie and Lala after their dye jobs? Because Hope is braiding the hair of football players?!"

Isaiah tried to muffle his laugh, but Micah managed to hear it. In the background, he heard the sound of Hélène telling Rosario and Charles to serve his teammates whatever they wanted, and of Amèlie's light French accent trying to explain the difference between the two poodles in broken five year old English.

Isaiah couldn't help but smile at the image of his little sisters entertaining the ten football players. He had to admit, that did sound very adorable. Micah had to learn to have a sense of humour.

"Are you with a girl?"

Isaiah blinked. He pursed his lips for a second, wondering whether to admit it or not. He was with a girl, just not in the way Micah was familiar with.

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